Call 1300 730 039
Budget Kangaroo Island
Vehicle Type:
Group D (SCAR) - Standard - Toyota Corolla Sedan or similar, 4 door sedan, 4 cylinder, automatic.
Pickup Date:
Pickup Time:
Dropoff Date:
Dropoff Time:
123456789 Children (0 - 12): 012345678 Children older than 12 are costed as Adults.
Children older than 12 are costed as Adults.
Child Ages:
Specify child ages as at time of travel
Pickup Depot:
Dropoff Depot:
Note: For drop offs at a location other than those listed above, please call our reservation centre to process your booking.
Special Requests:
(240 Char Limit)
Note: Flight Details are mandatory for airport pickups and dropoffs.
Special requests generate directly to the service provider and cannot be guaranteed.
Terms Conditions:
I agree with the Terms & Conditions for this rental.
Important Info:
I have read and agree to the important notes.
Note: Additional options such as accident waiver insurance can be purchased at the time of pickup.