Byron Surf Lesson

Lets Go Surfing Byron Bay - Byron Bay


A$170 (2 Passengers)


2 hours.

Departure Days:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25: Daily except for 25-26DEC24, 01JAN25, 26JAN25.


Departure Time:

Daily 09:00am/10:00am and 02:00pm

Departure Point:

5/11 Fletcher Street, Byron Bay


Not Included.


Not Included.


Not Included


On Request


A$170 (2 Passengers)


- Surf lesson and all equipment including soft safe surfboards, summer or winter wetsuits, UV rashvests, sunblock and a certificate on completion.

- Use of change rooms, outdoor shower and storage for personal belongings.

- Low participant to instructor ratio of maximum 6:1.

What to bring:

- Swimmers.

- Towel.


Valid for 01APR24-31MAR26:

Learn to surf right on the main beach of beautiful Byron Bay. This popular beginner course teaches you how to safely get out and up onto your first wave. You will be taught in a small group setting so you get plenty of hands-on help. To build up your knowledge and confidence, first start out on the beach and you will be taught how to recognise surf conditions and practice your surfing technique before you get into the water. Then it's off into the ocean, where you start off in broken waves - the white foam created after the waves run their course. You will be amazed at how easy, safe and enjoyable it can be to learn to surf.

Child Policy:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR26:
Byron Surf Lesson and Stand up Paddle Boarding:

Child: 0-11 years inclusive - not catered for.

Child: 12-16 years inclusive - adult rates apply.

Byron Local:

Child: 0-6 years inclusive - not catered for.

Child: 7-16 years inclusive - child rates apply.

Byron Private:

Child: 0-6 years inclusive - not catered for.
Child: 7-14 years inclusive - adult rates apply.

Important Information:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR26:

Participants must:

- Arrive at premises 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the lesson with swimmers and a towel.

- Be able to swim 50 metres.

- Have reasonable level of fitness and strength.

- Have full body control and hand-eye-foot coordination.

- Be able to walk independently (unsupported by walking aids).

- Not have a blood alcohol reading of 0.05% or higher.

- Not have broken bones.

- Not have undergone surgery in the last 6 months.

- Not have experienced a fit or seizure in the last 6 months.

- Not be pregnant.

The participant enters Lets Go Surfing (LGS) premises and participates in the lesson at their own risk.

Weather Conditions:

- Surfing in the rain or in challenging weather can be a great experience. Lets Go Surfing surf lessons proceed in all weather excluding electrical storms and dangerous surf. Appropriate all season wetsuits, radiators, UV rashvests and sunblock are supplied to surfers.

- Lessons will not proceed should Lets Go Surfing decide that the weather and conditions makes the participation in a lesson unsafe, or for any other reason, at the absolute discretion of Lets Go Surfing.

- Should a Lesson not proceed, surfers will either be re-booked at the earliest possible time at the convenience of the surfer taking into account available spaces or they will be instructed to contact their booking provider.


On Request