Sunset Sail

Sailaway - Port Douglas

Sunset sail


A$180 (2 Passengers)


1.5 hours.

Departure Days:

Daily Except 25DEC

Departure Time:

Check in 04:30pm and Departs Port Douglas at 05:00pm.

Departure Point:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25: Sailaway Marina Office.


Not available.


Not available.

Not Included:

- Hotel pick up and drop off.


On Request


A$180 (2 Passengers)


- Beverage (A choice o beer, wine or sparkling wine)

- A delicious selection of canapes

- 1 ½ hour sail over the Coral Sea'

- 1st Class Service

What to Bring:


Valid for 01APR24-31MAR26:

Enjoy the thrill of pure sailing! A "must do" when visiting Port Douglas is to relax with a Sunset Sail on board a first class sailing catamaran. Soak up the peace and tranquility of a tropical sunset over the Coral Sea as you sail along the coast off Port Douglas. Take in the ambient music, relaxed and friendly atmosphere and the spectacular mountain views while enjoying a welcome drink and delicious canapes.

Child Policy:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR26:

Low Isles Sailaway and Sailaway Outer Reef Mackay Cay:

Infant: 0-3 years inclusive - free of charge.

Child: 4-12 years inclusive - child rates apply.

Sailaway Sunset Sail and Sailaway Low Isles Afternoon/Sunset Cruise:

Child: 0-12 years inclusive - not catered for.

Important Information:

Valid for 01APR23-31MAR25:

For tours including snorkeling:

- To participate in the activity of snorkeling, you must be confident in the water with the capacity to swim unassisted. If you are a poor swimmer, you may not be suitable to snorkel in the open water. Not all passengers will be suitable to snorkel, and the experienced crew have the discretion to advise against snorkeling if deemed "not suitable for the activity". This is for the safety of the passenger.

- Please be advised snorkeling can be a strenuous physical activity, even in calm water and that older people are at an increased risk of death and /or injury due to a higher incidence of medical conditions made worse by physical exertion, such as heart disease and stroke. All passengers intending to snorkel will be asked to complete a Medical Declaration for Snorkeling form. The experienced crew will discuss any issues relating to medical conditions and swimming ability. Sailaway reserves the right to decline any passenger from participating in snorkeling if staff are concerned about your health condition and/or swimming ability.

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR26:

Hotel Transfers:

- Does not include transfers from Thala Beach Resort

- Please call sailaway at least 24 hours to reconfirm your tour.


On Request