Service Details

Penguin Tour

Supplier Name:

Bicheno Penguin Tours

Departure Date:


Children (0 - 14):

Children older than 14 are costed as Adults.

Child Ages:

Specify child ages as at time of travel


A$58.00  On Request


Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:

- Transfer from the Bicheno Penguin Tours office to the reserve and return.

- Fully Guided Tour.

- Peak Season: September to January; Great Viewing, Penguin Activities includes Nest Building, Breeding, Raising Chicks.

- Off Peak Season: February and March; Low Bird Number, Penguin Activities includes Moulting

- Off Peak Season: April to August; Good Viewing, Penguin Activities includes Nest Building, Resting.

What to bring:

- Warm Clothing

- Covered Shoes (Penguins Bite Shoes)

Departure Time:

01APR-31AUG: 17:00PM-19:30PM
01SEP-31MAR: 19:30PM-21:10PM

Departure Days:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25: Daily except 25DEC, 31DEC, 31MAR.


~~ 01-Apr-2024 to 31-Mar-2025~~Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25:1 Hour 10 Minutes~~~~
~~ 01-Apr-2025 to 31-Mar-2026~~Valid for 01APR25-31MAR26: 1 Hour~~~~

Departure Location:

Bicheno Penguin Tours, Shop 1 Town Centre Centre Bicheno Tasmania, 7215.

Departure/ Pickup Info:

Bicheno Penguin Tours Office only.

*Pickup Request:

Note: Pickup requests are subject to confirmation.

Important Info:

Special Requests:

(240 Char Limit)

Note: Special requests generate directly to the service provider and cannot be guaranteed.