Call 1300 730 039
Supplier Name:
Sunlover Reef Cruises
Departure Date:
123456789 Children (0 - 15): 012345678 Children older than 15 are costed as Adults.
Children older than 15 are costed as Adults.
Child Ages:
Specify child ages as at time of travel
A$1086.00 On Request
Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25: - All Normal Sunlover Moore Reef day.What to Bring: - Hat and sunscreen. - Sun protective clothing like a t-shirt or rash vest. - Swimming costume. - Beach towel. - Cash for drinks at the bar. - Credit card for on-board shopping and optional adventures. - Camera.
Departure Time:
Check-in required at 11:00am for 11:30pm departure.
Departure Days:
4.5 hours.
Departure Location:
Nautilus Aviation City Helipad Pier point rd. cairns
Departure/ Pickup Info:
Not included.
*Pickup Request:
Note: Pickup requests are subject to confirmation.
Important Info:
I have read and agree to the important notes.
Special Requests:
(240 Char Limit)
Note: Special requests generate directly to the service provider and cannot be guaranteed.