Service Details

Cradle Mountain - 765

Supplier Name:

Gray Line Tasmania

Departure Date:


Children (4 - 15):

Children older than 15 are costed as Adults.

Child Ages:

Specify child ages as at time of travel


A$175.00  On Request


- Limited Hotel Pickup and drop off.

- Coach touring and live commentary.

- Entry to National Park.

- Dove lake shuttle.

- Ashgove Cheese Farm.
- Sheffield Town of Murals.

Departure Time:


Departure Days:

APR: Daily
01MAY-31AUG: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

01SEP-31MAR: Daily except 25DEC.


9.5 hours.

Departure Location:

Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25: Cornwall Square Transit Centre or Limited Hotel Pickups

Departure/ Pickup Info:

~~ 01-Apr-2024 to 31-Mar-2025~~Valid for 01APR24-31MAR25: Cornwall Square, Grand Chancellor, Best Western Plus, Launceston Back Packers (07.30am), Country Club Casino and Villas(7:45am)~~~~
~~ 01-Apr-2025 to 31-Mar-2026~~Valid for 01APR25-31MAR26: Cornwall Square, Grand Chancellor, Best Western Plus, Launceston Back Packers, Country Club Casino and Villas(7:30am)~~~~

*Pickup Request:

Note: Pickup requests are subject to confirmation.

Important Info:

Special Requests:

(240 Char Limit)

Note: Special requests generate directly to the service provider and cannot be guaranteed.