Rottnest Extended Return

Sealink WA - Perth

Captain Cook


On Request

Cost: A$131

Valid for 01SEP23-31MAR25:
Hotel Pick up:

- Please wait out side the Pick-Up location (not inside the hotel lobby). The Pick-Up location is used to pick up passengers from several hotels and may be different hotel to where you are staying

- Please wait in the view of the coach at your pick up location

- The pick-Up time may vary by up to 10 minutes due to traffic or other conditions

- Watch for Horizons West coach with SeaLink Rottnest Island signage in the front window

- Have mobile phone turned on incase there is a need to contact you

- Note: Coaches are currently not wheelchair or scooter accessible

- If you miss your pick-up, please make your own way to SeaLink Rottnest Island ferry departure point at Pier 3, Barrack Street Jetty, Perth. Most Perth CBD hotels are only a short taxi, ride share away.

- Note: Boarding closes 10 minutes prior to departure

- Hotel drop-off service on your return to Perth from Rottnest Island is currently not available. Please seek your own transport back to your accommodation.

Maximum Passengers Per Vehicle:

Baggage Capacity:

Arrival Information:

Departure Information:

Pick-ups: Perth accommodation (approximately 07:00am-08:00am depending on the hotel location).
Departure Point: Pier 3, Barrack Street Jetty.


- 08:30am from Perth to Rottnest Island.

Operation Hours: Daily, except 25DEC.

Additional Information:


On Request