New Lambton Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby New Lambton
- Belmont
- Belmont North
- Belmont South
- Broadmeadow
- Cardiff
- Cardiff Heights
- Cardiff South
- Caves Beach
- Charlestown
- Cooks Hill
- Fern Bay
- Hamilton
- Hamilton North
- Hamilton South
- Honeysuckle
- Jesmond
- Mayfield
- Mayfield East
- Mayfield West
- Merewether
- Merewether Heights
- New Lambton Heights
- Newcastle Suburbs
- Newcastle West
- The Hill
- The Junction
- Warners Bay
New Lambton
New Lambton is a suburb of Newcastle which holds a remarkable amount of history. This historical information can be gathered from the Newcastle Visitor Information Centre.
New Lambton: Travel Tips
New Lambton is located approximately 10 kms from the city centre and is close by the Western Suburbs Leagues Club, Energy Australia Stadium and the International Sports Centre.
New Lambton Map
New Lambton Map - Legend
Multiple Hotels

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