Cooktown Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Cooktown
- Almaden
- Aloomba
- Archer River
- Atherton
- Atherton Tablelands
- Augustus Downs
- Aurukun
- Ayton
- Babinda
- Badu Island
- Bamaga
- Bargara
- Bartle Frere
- Bedarra Island
- Belgian Gardens
- Bellenden Ker
- Biboohra
- Bilwon
- Boigu
- Boogan
- Boulia
- Brinsmead
- Buchan Point
- Bundaberg
- Bungalow
- Burketown
- Cairns
- Cairns Beaches
- Cairns North
- Cape Tribulation
- Caravonica
- Carnarvon National Park
- Charters Towers
- Chillagoe
- Clifton Beach
- Coen
- Cow Bay
- Cowley
- Croydon
- Daintree
- Darnley Island
- Deeral
- Dimbulah
- Diwan
- Doomadgee
- Earlville
- East Toowoomba
- Edge Hill
- Edmonton
- Edward River
- Einasleigh
- Ellis Beach
- Eubenangee
- Evelyn Central
- Fishery Falls
- Flying Fish Point
- Forsayth
- Four Ways
- Freshwater
- Garradunga
- Georgetown
- Goondi
- Gordonvale
- Grandchester
- Great Barrier Reef
- Green Island
- Gregory Downs
- Gunpowder
- Gununa
- Herberton
- Hidden Valley
- Holloways Beach
- Hope Vale
- Hopevale
- Horn Island
- Injinoo
- Innot Hot Springs
- Irvinebank
- Jaggan
- Julatten
- Kairi
- Kalunga
- Kamerunga
- Kanimbla
- Karumba
- Kewarra Beach
- Kidston
- Kinka Beach
- Koah
- Kowanyama
- Kowrowa
- Kuranda
- Lake Eacham
- Lakeland
- Lamington National Park
- Laura
- Lizard Island
- Llanarth
- Lockhart River
- Longreach
- Machans Beach
- Malanda
- Manoora
- Manunda
- Mareeba
- Maryvale
- Mena Creek
- Merluna
- Miallo
- Millaa Millaa
- Miriwinni
- Mission Beach
- Montville
- Mooroobool
- Moresby
- Mornington Island
- Mossman
- Mount Carbine
- Mount Garnet
- Mount Molloy
- Mount Mulligan
- Mourilyan
- Mt Isa
- Mulambin
- Mundoo
- Murray Island
- Musgrave
- Mutchilba
- New Mapoon
- Newell
- Normanton
- Northern Beaches
- Oak Beach
- Palm Cove
- Palmer River
- Parramatta Park
- Peeramon
- Petford
- Pormpuraaw
- Port Douglas
- Portland Roads
- Raceview
- Ravenshoe
- Redlynch
- Rockhampton
- Roma
- Seisia
- Smithfield
- Smithfield Heights
- South Johnstone
- South Mission Beach
- Speewah
- Stratford
- Tarzali
- The Caves
- Theodore
- Thursday Island
- Tinaroo
- Tolga
- Toowoomba
- Topaz
- Trinity Beach
- Trinity Park
- Tully
- Tumoulin
- Turtle Cove
- Undara
- Walkamin
- Wangan
- Weipa
- Westcourt
- White Rock
- Whitfield
- Wongaling Beach
- Woree
- Wujal Wujal
- Yam Island
- Yarrabah
- Yeppoon
- Yorke Island
- Yorkeys Knob
- Yungaburra
Cooktown is a small frontier town located in the far north of Tropical North Queensland. Cooktown boasts a unique character that is evidenced from its years of geographic isolation and hard-living, but it is this local charm that makes it all the more appealing. Add to this the unspoilt natural beauty of the area, and you'll really feel like you've stumbled back in time and across a local secret. Cooktown is Australia's first non-indigenous settlement, discovered and settled by Captain Cook and his crew in 1770. Since then, Cooktown has not had it easy. From 1873-83, Cooktown was established as the port for the Palmer River gold rush, which exacerbated race relations between the Europeans, Aboriginals and Chinese. Visit the James Cook Historical Museum to explore Cooktown's interesting past including the gold rush days and Cook's voyages. Another must-see is a visit to Grassy Hill Lookout where you can experience 360 degree views of the countryside and beaches. There is also a walking track from the summit to the nearby beach at Cherry Tree Bay. Every June the town celebrates Cooktown's status as Australia's first European settlement with the Cooktown Endeavour Festival, which includes a colourful re-enactment of Cook's landing. In the past, Cooktown could only be accessed by 4WD's but with the completion of the sealed Cooktown Developmental Road in January 2006, Cooktown is now more accessible to everyone.
Cooktown Map