Hook Island Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Hook Island
- Airlie Beach
- Alexandra
- Andergrove
- Beaconsfield
- Blacks Beach
- Cannon Valley
- Cannonvale
- Colston Park
- Conway
- Cremorne
- Dalrymple Heights
- Daydream Island
- Dingo Beach
- Erakala
- Flametree
- Gargett
- Glenella
- Habana
- Hamilton Island
- Hay Point
- Hayman Island
- Jubilee Pocket
- Koumala
- Long Island
- Midge Point
- Mount Christian
- Mount Coolon
- Mount Julian
- Netherdale
- Nindaroo
- North Gregory
- Oakenden
- Pindi Pindi
- Pinnacle
- Pleystowe
- Proserpine
- Shinfield
- Shute Harbour
- Shutehaven
- South Molle
- South Molle Island
- Te Kowai
- Wagoora
- Whitsundays
- Yakapari
Hook Island
Hook Island, in the Whitsundays, is a rugged island with breathtaking lookouts and excellent snorkelling and scuba diving. The diversity of coral in the fringing reefs of the Great Barrier Reef on the northern shore (especially Crayfish Beach) offer excellent opportunities for snorkelling and diving. Hook Island is mostly national park and boasts beautiful beaches and walking tracks. Make sure to try the track that leads to Butterfly Bay, so named because of its unique shape and the butterflies which swarm around its shores. A visit to the observatory on the island is a must-see as you'll be able to descend nine metres below the ocean to view coral and marine life in their own habitat. There are marine biologists on hand to explain the wonders of the reef. There are also two magnificent five kilometre fjord-like inlets, Nara and Macona, cut into the southern end of Hook Island to provide a spectacular anchorage for yachts. There are a couple accommodation options on Hook: camping at several sites around the island or the resort at Hook Island Wilderness Resort.
Hook Island Map