South Molle Island Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby South Molle Island
- Airlie Beach
- Alexandra
- Andergrove
- Beaconsfield
- Blacks Beach
- Brampton Island
- Cannon Valley
- Cannonvale
- Colston Park
- Conway
- Cremorne
- Dalrymple Heights
- Daydream Island
- Dingo Beach
- Double Island
- Dunk Island
- Erakala
- Fitzroy Island
- Flametree
- Fraser Island
- Gargett
- Glenella
- Great Keppel Island
- Green Island
- Habana
- Haggerstone Island
- Hamilton Island
- Hay Point
- Hayman Island
- Heron Island
- Hinchinbrook Island
- Hook Island
- Jubilee Pocket
- Keswick Island
- Koumala
- Lady Elliot Island
- Lizard Island
- Long Island
- Magnetic Island
- Midge Point
- Moreton Island
- Mount Christian
- Mount Coolon
- Mount Julian
- Netherdale
- Nindaroo
- North Gregory
- North Stradbroke Island
- Oakenden
- Orpheus Island
- Pindi Pindi
- Pinnacle
- Pleystowe
- Poruma Island
- Proserpine
- Shinfield
- Shute Harbour
- Shutehaven
- South Molle
- South Stradbroke Island
- Tangalooma
- Te Kowai
- Wagoora
- Whitsundays
- Wilson Island
- Yakapari
South Molle Island
South Molle Island is located in the heart of the Whitsundays off the Queensland coast. South Molle Island is the largest of the North, Mid and South Molle Island Group and the only one with a resort, South Molle Island Resort. South Molle is a hilly continental island with undulating grasslands, lush pockets of rainforest, secluded bays and fringing reefs. The Molle Islands are virtually joined along a causeway so you can walk across to Mid Molle almost anytime. South Molle has extensive birdlife that includes, but is not limited to dozens of colourful lorikeets, currawongs and the endangered stone curlews. South Molle Island Resort is an all-inclusive resort. There are also camping grounds located at Sandy Bay in the south of the island and Paddle Bay near the resort.
South Molle Island Map