Lake Cargelligo Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Lake Cargelligo
- Abercrombie Caves
- Albert
- Alectown
- Alleena
- Apsley
- Arkstone
- Armatree
- Arthurville
- Bakers Swamp
- Baldry
- Balladoran
- Ballimore
- Baradine
- Barmedman
- Barry
- Bathurst
- Bathurst West
- Bedgerebong
- Belgravia
- Ben Bullen
- Beneree
- Beni
- Berambing
- Biddon
- Billimari
- Bimbi
- Bindogundra
- Binnaway
- Birriwa
- Black Rock
- Blaxland East
- Blayney
- Bletchington
- Bloomfield
- Bocoble
- Bodangora
- Bogan Gate
- Borenore
- Bournewood
- Bowan Park
- Brewongle
- Bribbaree
- Brocklehurst
- Brogans Creek
- Brownlea
- Browns Creek
- Bruinbun
- Buckaroo
- Buddah
- Budgee Budgee
- Bugaldie
- Bumbaldry
- Bumberry
- Burcher
- Burdett
- Burgooney
- Burnt Yards
- Burraga
- Burrangong
- Byng
- Caloola
- Canobolas
- Canowindra
- Caragabal
- Carcoar
- Cargo
- Carlwood
- Charbon
- Cheesemans Creek
- Clandulla
- Clergate
- Clifton Grove
- Cobbora
- Collie
- Combara
- Comobella
- Condobolin
- Conimbia
- Cooerwull
- Cookamidgera
- Cooks Gap
- Coolah
- Coonabarabran
- Coonamble
- Cooyal
- Cow Flat
- Cowra
- Craboon
- Cranbury
- Crudine
- Cudal
- Cudgegong
- Cumboogle
- Cumnock
- Curban
- Curra Creek
- Dandaloo
- Darbys Falls
- Dark Corner
- Daroobalgie
- Derriwong
- Dripstone
- Dubbo
- Dubbo East
- Dubbo Grove
- Dubbo West
- Duckmaloi
- Dunedoo
- Dunkeld
- Duramana
- Eglinton
- Elong Elong
- Emu Heights
- Essington
- Euchareena
- Eugowra
- Eulomogo
- Eumungerie
- Eurunderee
- Evans Plains
- Farnham
- Farrendale
- Fifield
- Finger Post
- Firgrove
- Forbes
- Forest Reefs
- Four Mile Creek
- Fullerton
- Gallymont
- Garema
- Garland
- Garra
- Gemalla
- Georges Plains
- Geurie
- Gidginbung
- Gilgandra
- Gilgooma
- Gingkin
- Girilambone
- Girral
- Glanmire
- Glen Alice
- Gollan
- Goolma
- Gooloogong
- Goonumbla
- Goorianawa
- Gormans Hill
- Grattai
- Greenethorpe
- Greenmantle
- Greghamstown
- Grenfell
- Gresham
- Grogan
- Gular
- Gulargambone
- Gulgong
- Gumble
- Gunningbland
- Guyong
- Hadley
- Hargraves
- Havilah
- Hazelgrove
- Hill End
- Hobbys Yards
- Home Rule
- Huntley
- Ilford
- Isabella
- Jaunter
- Kandos
- Kelso
- Kenebri
- Kerrs Creek
- Kickabil
- Kings Plains
- Kingsvale
- Kirkconnell
- Larras Lee
- Leadville
- Lewis Ponds
- Limekilns
- Limerick
- Locksley
- Lowther
- Lucknow
- Lue
- Lyndhurst
- Magometon
- Maimuru
- Mandagery
- Mandurama
- Manildra
- March
- Maryvale
- Meadow Flat
- Megalong
- Mendooran
- Merrygoen
- Millthorpe
- Milroy
- Milvale
- Minore
- Mogriguy
- Molong
- Monteagle
- Montefiores
- Moorilda
- Morangarell
- Mount David
- Mount Frome
- Mount Irvine
- Mount Knowles
- Mount Lambie
- Mount Mcdonald
- Mount Panorama
- Mount Riverview
- Mount Werong
- Mount Wyagdon
- Mozart
- Mudgee
- Mullamuddy
- Mullion Creek
- Mulyandry
- Mumbil
- Mungeribar
- Mungery
- Murga
- Muronbung
- Nanima
- Napoleon Reef
- Narraburra
- Narromine
- Nashdale
- Neilrex
- Neurea
- Nevertire
- Neville
- New Mollyan
- Newbridge
- Noonbinna
- Norway
- Nubingerie
- O'Connell
- Obley
- Olinda
- Ootha
- Ophir
- Orange
- Orange East
- Orange South
- Orton Park
- Palmers Oaky
- Panuara
- Parkes
- Parkesborough
- Peak Hill
- Peel
- Peelwood
- Perthville
- Piney Range
- Ponto
- Porters Retreat
- Pullabooka
- Purlewaugh
- Pyramul
- Quambone
- Quandialla
- Raglan
- Ravenswood
- Rawsonville
- Reefton
- Rock Forest
- Rockley
- Running Stream
- Rye Park
- Rylstone
- Sallys Flat
- Shadforth
- Shipley
- Shooters Hill
- Sodwalls
- Sofala
- Spicers Creek
- Spring Hill
- Springside
- Stewart
- Store Creek
- Stuart Town
- Sunny Corner
- Suntop
- Talbragar
- Tallawang
- Tallwood
- Tambaroora
- Tarana
- Teridgerie
- Terramungamine
- The Lagoon
- Thuddungra
- Tichborne
- Tomingley
- Toogong
- Toongi
- Tooraweenah
- Tottenham
- Towac
- Trangie
- Trewilga
- Triangle Flat
- Troy Junction
- Trundle
- Trunkey Creek
- Tubbul
- Tuena
- Tullamore
- Tullibigeal
- Turill
- Turondale
- Twelve Mile
- Uarbry
- Ulamambri
- Ulan
- Ungarie
- Valley Heights
- Vittoria
- Walang
- Walmer
- Warkton
- Warrangunia
- Warren
- Warrendine
- Warrimoo
- Warrumbungle
- Wattamondara
- Wattle Flat
- Weedallion
- Weetaliba
- Wellington
- West Wyalong
- Westella
- Westville
- White Rock
- Wimbledon
- Windeyer
- Windurong
- Winmalee
- Wirrinya
- Wisemans Creek
- Wombat
- Wombiana
- Wongarbon
- Woodstock
- Wuuluman
- Wyalong
- Wyanga
- Wyangala Dam
- Yarrabandai
- Yarrabin
- Yarrawonga
- Yearinan
- Yeoval
- Yerranderie
- Yetholme
- Young
Lake Cargelligo
The Heart of New South Wales has the largest natural inland lake system in the State and the showpiece of that system is Lake Cargelligo. Lake Cargelligo is an unexpected oasis in central New South Wales and its beauty and tranquillity has remained unspoilt and relatively undiscovered by the travelling public. It is a perfect place to stop, stay and indulge in a range of wonderful leisure activities. Bird watching is very popular in the area and part of Lake Cargelligo has become a bird sanctuary. Large numbers of water birds congregate on the lakes and waterways, while bird watchers also enjoy visiting nearby Round Hill Reserve and Nombinnie Reserve in mallee country, which support a variety of rare and threatened species. Binoculars and bird guides can be hired from the Lake Cargelligo Tourist Information Centre. Fishing is a wonderful way to pass the time in Lake Cargelligo and on the nearby Lachlan River, and is popular all year round with cod, silver perch and Redfin for the taking. The annual Lake Cargelligo Fisherama is held in October, and is a fun family event with prizes up for grabs even if you don't catch a fish! Lake Cargelligo is a popular venue for water sports including skiing, sailing, jet skiing and swimming. For those a little more laid back there are many opportunities to camp by the lake or on the banks of the Lachlan River. Sunrise and sunsets over the lake make it worth staying overnight just to catch Mother Nature at her best. The Lake Cargelligo Museum showcases the history of Lake Cargelligo. A large number of agricultural implements are on display, as well as equipment from the old hospital, the town's manual telephone exchange and much more. A working draught horse display can also be organised by locals Steve and Jan Johnson who breed draught horses. Watch Steve and his team plough a paddock with pinpoint accuracy, harvest, run a chuff cutter and a mill grinder. They also demonstrate snigging and wagon loading by using a horse operated bag kicker. Kejole Koori Art Studio displays a wide range of Aboriginal arts and crafts made by local people. The Studio specialises in paintings, sculptures, pottery, jewellery, didgeridoos, clapping sticks and more. Visitors to Kejole Koori Art Studio can purchase every item on display, at very reasonable prices. The Lake Cargelligo Tourist Information Centre houses the unique Alf Tyack Stone Butterfly and Gem Collection, and is also a great stopping point for souvenirs, local art and craft, and information on Lake Cargelligo and the surrounding area. The historic walkway and bicycle track along the lake's foreshores is a relaxing way to take in views of the lake. Signs giving the history of different locations around town have been erected and points of interest include ochre pits, gold stamping, the wool wash and the Wooyeo Woolshed.
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Lake Cargelligo Map