Coonabarabran Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Coonabarabran
- Abercrombie Caves
- Albert
- Albury
- Alectown
- Alleena
- Apsley
- Arkstone
- Armatree
- Armidale
- Arthurville
- Bakers Swamp
- Baldry
- Balladoran
- Ballimore
- Ballina
- Baradine
- Barmedman
- Barry
- Batemans Bay
- Bathurst
- Bathurst West
- Bedgerebong
- Belgravia
- Ben Bullen
- Beneree
- Beni
- Berambing
- Biddon
- Billimari
- Bimbi
- Bindogundra
- Binnaway
- Birriwa
- Black Rock
- Blaxland East
- Blayney
- Bletchington
- Bloomfield
- Bocoble
- Bodangora
- Bogan Gate
- Borenore
- Bournewood
- Bowan Park
- Brewongle
- Bribbaree
- Brocklehurst
- Brogans Creek
- Broken Hill
- Brownlea
- Browns Creek
- Bruinbun
- Buckaroo
- Buddah
- Budgee Budgee
- Bugaldie
- Bumbaldry
- Bumberry
- Burcher
- Burdett
- Burgooney
- Burnt Yards
- Buronga
- Burraga
- Burrangong
- Byng
- Caloola
- Canobolas
- Canowindra
- Caragabal
- Carcoar
- Cargo
- Carlwood
- Cartwrights Hill
- Charbon
- Cheesemans Creek
- Clandulla
- Clergate
- Clifton Grove
- Cobbora
- Collie
- Combara
- Comobella
- Condobolin
- Conimbia
- Cooerwull
- Cookamidgera
- Cooks Gap
- Coolah
- Coonamble
- Cooyal
- Cow Flat
- Cowra
- Craboon
- Crackenback
- Cranbury
- Crudine
- Cudal
- Cudgegong
- Cumboogle
- Cumnock
- Curban
- Curra Creek
- Dandaloo
- Darbys Falls
- Dark Corner
- Daroobalgie
- Derriwong
- Dripstone
- Dubbo
- Dubbo East
- Dubbo Grove
- Dubbo West
- Duckmaloi
- Dunedoo
- Dunkeld
- Duramana
- Eden
- Eglinton
- Elong Elong
- Emu Heights
- Essington
- Ettalong Beach
- Euchareena
- Eugowra
- Eulomogo
- Eumungerie
- Eurunderee
- Evans Plains
- Farnham
- Farrendale
- Fifield
- Finger Post
- Firgrove
- Forbes
- Forest Reefs
- Four Mile Creek
- Fullerton
- Gallymont
- Garema
- Garland
- Garra
- Gemalla
- Georges Plains
- Gerringong
- Geurie
- Gidginbung
- Gilgandra
- Gilgooma
- Gingkin
- Girilambone
- Girral
- Glanmire
- Glen Alice
- Gollan
- Goolma
- Gooloogong
- Goonumbla
- Goorianawa
- Gormans Hill
- Grafton
- Grattai
- Greenethorpe
- Greenmantle
- Greghamstown
- Grenfell
- Gresham
- Grogan
- Gular
- Gulargambone
- Gulgong
- Gumble
- Gunningbland
- Guyong
- Hadley
- Hargraves
- Havilah
- Hazelgrove
- Hill End
- Hobbys Yards
- Home Rule
- Huntley
- Huskisson
- Ilford
- Isabella
- Jaunter
- Kandos
- Kelso
- Kenebri
- Kerrs Creek
- Kiama
- Kickabil
- Killcare Heights
- Kings Plains
- Kingscliff
- Kingsvale
- Kirkconnell
- Lake Cargelligo
- Larras Lee
- Leadville
- Lewis Ponds
- Limekilns
- Limerick
- Locksley
- Lord Howe Island
- Lowther
- Lucknow
- Lue
- Lyndhurst
- Magometon
- Maimuru
- Mandagery
- Mandurama
- Manildra
- March
- Maryvale
- Meadow Flat
- Megalong
- Mendooran
- Merimbula
- Merrygoen
- Millthorpe
- Milroy
- Milvale
- Minore
- Mogriguy
- Molong
- Monteagle
- Montefiores
- Moorilda
- Morangarell
- Mount David
- Mount Frome
- Mount Irvine
- Mount Knowles
- Mount Lambie
- Mount Mcdonald
- Mount Panorama
- Mount Riverview
- Mount Werong
- Mount Wyagdon
- Mozart
- Mudgee
- Mullamuddy
- Mullion Creek
- Mulyandry
- Mumbil
- Mungeribar
- Mungery
- Murga
- Muronbung
- Nanima
- Napoleon Reef
- Narooma
- Narraburra
- Narromine
- Nashdale
- Neilrex
- Nelson Bay
- Neurea
- Nevertire
- Neville
- New Mollyan
- Newbridge
- Noonbinna
- Norfolk Island
- Norway
- Nubingerie
- O'Connell
- Obley
- Olinda
- Ootha
- Ophir
- Orange
- Orange East
- Orange South
- Orton Park
- Palmers Oaky
- Panuara
- Parkes
- Parkesborough
- Peak Hill
- Peel
- Peelwood
- Perthville
- Piney Range
- Ponto
- Porters Retreat
- Pullabooka
- Purlewaugh
- Pyramul
- Quambone
- Quandialla
- Raglan
- Ravenswood
- Rawsonville
- Reefton
- Rock Forest
- Rockley
- Running Stream
- Rye Park
- Rylstone
- Salamander Bay
- Sallys Flat
- Shadforth
- Shipley
- Shooters Hill
- Sodwalls
- Sofala
- Spicers Creek
- Spring Hill
- Springside
- Stewart
- Store Creek
- Stuart Town
- Sunny Corner
- Suntop
- Sutton Forest
- Talbragar
- Tallawang
- Tallwood
- Tambaroora
- Tarana
- Taree
- Teridgerie
- Terramungamine
- Terrigal
- The Lagoon
- Thredbo Village
- Thuddungra
- Tichborne
- Tomingley
- Toogong
- Toongi
- Tooraweenah
- Tottenham
- Towac
- Trangie
- Trewilga
- Triangle Flat
- Troy Junction
- Trundle
- Trunkey Creek
- Tubbul
- Tuena
- Tullamore
- Tullibigeal
- Turill
- Turondale
- Twelve Mile
- Uarbry
- Ulamambri
- Ulan
- Ulladulla
- Ungarie
- Valley Heights
- Vittoria
- Walang
- Walmer
- Warkton
- Warrangunia
- Warren
- Warrendine
- Warrimoo
- Warrumbungle
- Wattamondara
- Wattle Flat
- Weedallion
- Weetaliba
- Wellington
- West Wyalong
- Westella
- Westville
- White Rock
- Wimbledon
- Windeyer
- Windsor
- Windurong
- Winmalee
- Wirrinya
- Wisemans Creek
- Wollongong
- Wombat
- Wombiana
- Wongarbon
- Woodstock
- Woollamia
- Wuuluman
- Wyalong
- Wyanga
- Wyangala Dam
- Wyong
- Yarrabandai
- Yarrabin
- Yarrawonga
- Yearinan
- Yeoval
- Yerranderie
- Yetholme
- Young
Coonabarabran is in Central NSW and is located within two hours drive of the regional cities of Dubbo and Tamworth. It is located at the junction of the Newell and Oxley Highways midway between Melbourne and Brisbane. Known as the 'Astronomy Capital of Australia', Coonabarabran is the gateway to Warrumbungle National Park. It is a peaceful country town set beneath the majestic Warrumbungle Mountain Range. Coonabarabran has some of the clearest skies in Australia and is the home of Australia's largest optical astronomy research facility, Siding Spring Observatory. The area around Coonabarabran is ideal for stargazing with its high altitude, low humidity, a non-turbulent atmosphere for viewing clarity, clean air and an average of 70 percent clear night skies. The town is a thriving service centre for the surrounding area with plenty of things to see and do, and plenty of accommodation and eating out options.
Great deals on hotels in Central NSW...
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Billabong Camp - Dubbo ![]() From: A$229 More Info... |
Comfort Inn Serenity Bathurst - Bathurst ![]() ![]() From: A$212 More Info... |
Reflections Holiday Parks - Lake Burrendong Holiday Park - Mumbil ![]() From: A$180 More Info... |
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Zoofari Lodge - Dubbo ![]() ![]() From: A$520 More Info... |

Coonabarabran Map