Mount Irvine Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Mount Irvine
- Abercrombie Caves
- Albert
- Alectown
- Alleena
- Apsley
- Arkstone
- Armatree
- Arthurville
- Bakers Swamp
- Baldry
- Balladoran
- Ballimore
- Baradine
- Barmedman
- Barry
- Bathurst
- Bathurst West
- Bedgerebong
- Belgravia
- Ben Bullen
- Beneree
- Beni
- Berambing
- Biddon
- Billimari
- Bimbi
- Bindogundra
- Binnaway
- Birriwa
- Black Rock
- Blaxland East
- Blayney
- Bletchington
- Bloomfield
- Bocoble
- Bodangora
- Bogan Gate
- Borenore
- Bournewood
- Bowan Park
- Brewongle
- Bribbaree
- Brocklehurst
- Brogans Creek
- Brownlea
- Browns Creek
- Bruinbun
- Buckaroo
- Buddah
- Budgee Budgee
- Bugaldie
- Bumbaldry
- Bumberry
- Burcher
- Burdett
- Burgooney
- Burnt Yards
- Burraga
- Burrangong
- Byng
- Caloola
- Canobolas
- Canowindra
- Caragabal
- Carcoar
- Cargo
- Carlwood
- Charbon
- Cheesemans Creek
- Clandulla
- Clergate
- Clifton Grove
- Cobbora
- Collie
- Combara
- Comobella
- Condobolin
- Conimbia
- Cooerwull
- Cookamidgera
- Cooks Gap
- Coolah
- Coonabarabran
- Coonamble
- Cooyal
- Cow Flat
- Cowra
- Craboon
- Cranbury
- Crudine
- Cudal
- Cudgegong
- Cumboogle
- Cumnock
- Curban
- Curra Creek
- Dandaloo
- Darbys Falls
- Dark Corner
- Daroobalgie
- Derriwong
- Dripstone
- Dubbo
- Dubbo East
- Dubbo Grove
- Dubbo West
- Duckmaloi
- Dunedoo
- Dunkeld
- Duramana
- Eglinton
- Elong Elong
- Emu Heights
- Essington
- Euchareena
- Eugowra
- Eulomogo
- Eumungerie
- Eurunderee
- Evans Plains
- Farnham
- Farrendale
- Fifield
- Finger Post
- Firgrove
- Forbes
- Forest Reefs
- Four Mile Creek
- Fullerton
- Gallymont
- Garema
- Garland
- Garra
- Gemalla
- Georges Plains
- Geurie
- Gidginbung
- Gilgandra
- Gilgooma
- Gingkin
- Girilambone
- Girral
- Glanmire
- Glen Alice
- Gollan
- Goolma
- Gooloogong
- Goonumbla
- Goorianawa
- Gormans Hill
- Grattai
- Greenethorpe
- Greenmantle
- Greghamstown
- Grenfell
- Gresham
- Grogan
- Gular
- Gulargambone
- Gulgong
- Gumble
- Gunningbland
- Guyong
- Hadley
- Hargraves
- Havilah
- Hazelgrove
- Hill End
- Hobbys Yards
- Home Rule
- Huntley
- Ilford
- Isabella
- Jaunter
- Kandos
- Kelso
- Kenebri
- Kerrs Creek
- Kickabil
- Kings Plains
- Kingsvale
- Kirkconnell
- Lake Cargelligo
- Larras Lee
- Leadville
- Lewis Ponds
- Limekilns
- Limerick
- Locksley
- Lowther
- Lucknow
- Lue
- Lyndhurst
- Magometon
- Maimuru
- Mandagery
- Mandurama
- Manildra
- March
- Maryvale
- Meadow Flat
- Megalong
- Mendooran
- Merrygoen
- Millthorpe
- Milroy
- Milvale
- Minore
- Mogriguy
- Molong
- Monteagle
- Montefiores
- Moorilda
- Morangarell
- Mount David
- Mount Frome
- Mount Knowles
- Mount Lambie
- Mount Mcdonald
- Mount Panorama
- Mount Riverview
- Mount Werong
- Mount Wyagdon
- Mozart
- Mudgee
- Mullamuddy
- Mullion Creek
- Mulyandry
- Mumbil
- Mungeribar
- Mungery
- Murga
- Muronbung
- Nanima
- Napoleon Reef
- Narraburra
- Narromine
- Nashdale
- Neilrex
- Neurea
- Nevertire
- Neville
- New Mollyan
- Newbridge
- Noonbinna
- Norway
- Nubingerie
- O'Connell
- Obley
- Olinda
- Ootha
- Ophir
- Orange
- Orange East
- Orange South
- Orton Park
- Palmers Oaky
- Panuara
- Parkes
- Parkesborough
- Peak Hill
- Peel
- Peelwood
- Perthville
- Piney Range
- Ponto
- Porters Retreat
- Pullabooka
- Purlewaugh
- Pyramul
- Quambone
- Quandialla
- Raglan
- Ravenswood
- Rawsonville
- Reefton
- Rock Forest
- Rockley
- Running Stream
- Rye Park
- Rylstone
- Sallys Flat
- Shadforth
- Shipley
- Shooters Hill
- Sodwalls
- Sofala
- Spicers Creek
- Spring Hill
- Springside
- Stewart
- Store Creek
- Stuart Town
- Sunny Corner
- Suntop
- Talbragar
- Tallawang
- Tallwood
- Tambaroora
- Tarana
- Teridgerie
- Terramungamine
- The Lagoon
- Thuddungra
- Tichborne
- Tomingley
- Toogong
- Toongi
- Tooraweenah
- Tottenham
- Towac
- Trangie
- Trewilga
- Triangle Flat
- Troy Junction
- Trundle
- Trunkey Creek
- Tubbul
- Tuena
- Tullamore
- Tullibigeal
- Turill
- Turondale
- Twelve Mile
- Uarbry
- Ulamambri
- Ulan
- Ungarie
- Valley Heights
- Vittoria
- Walang
- Walmer
- Warkton
- Warrangunia
- Warren
- Warrendine
- Warrimoo
- Warrumbungle
- Wattamondara
- Wattle Flat
- Weedallion
- Weetaliba
- Wellington
- West Wyalong
- Westella
- Westville
- White Rock
- Wimbledon
- Windeyer
- Windurong
- Winmalee
- Wirrinya
- Wisemans Creek
- Wombat
- Wombiana
- Wongarbon
- Woodstock
- Wuuluman
- Wyalong
- Wyanga
- Wyangala Dam
- Yarrabandai
- Yarrabin
- Yarrawonga
- Yearinan
- Yeoval
- Yerranderie
- Yetholme
- Young
Mount Irvine
In 1897 Charles Robert Scrivener, a staff surveyor of the Lands Department, was given the job of surveying a road to the end of the Mount Wilson spur.He described the land there and located an approach across Bowen's creek, to Bell's Line of Road near Bilpin. He suggested that it should be proclaimed a national reserve, but instead it was thrown open for settlement and called Mt. Irvine. The men who took it up were C.R. Scrivener's son, Charles P. Scrivener and two of his friends, Harold Morley and Basil Knight-Brown. These three young men had graduated with credit from the Hawkesbury Agricultural College in 1897, the first year of Mr George Valder's principalship. They each selected 10 hectares, and developed orchards there. Their chief problem was access, and for twelve years each worked on the road to Mount Irvine for one month each year.
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Mount Irvine Map