Delegate Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Delegate
- Ando
- Anembo
- Anglers Reach
- Berridale
- Bibbenluke
- Bobundara
- Bombala
- Bredbo
- Buckenderra
- Bukalong
- Bungarby
- Bunyan
- Cathcart
- Chakola
- Charlotte Pass
- Colinton
- Cooma
- Cooma North
- Cooma West
- Coonerang
- Corrowong
- Countegany
- Crackenback
- Craigie
- Dalgety
- Dry Plain
- Eucumbene
- Gunningrah
- Guthega
- Holts Flat
- Jerangle
- Jimcumbilly
- Jindabyne
- Jindabyne East
- Khancoban
- Kiandra
- Knoxs Valley
- Kybeyan
- Kydra Reefs
- Maffra
- Michelago
- Middlingbank
- Mila
- Moonbah
- Mount Kosciusko
- Mount Koscuiszko
- Mount Selwyn
- Munyang
- Nimmitabel
- Nimmo Camp
- Numbla Vale
- Numeralla
- Nungatta
- Old Adaminaby
- Peak View
- Perisher North
- Perisher Valley
- Polo Flat
- Rhine Falls
- Rock Flat
- Rockton
- Rocky Plains
- Sawpit Creek
- Shannons Flat
- Smiggin Holes
- Snowy Mountains
- Springvale
- Thredbo Village
- Tombong
- Tooma
- Waste Point
Just two hours directly south of Canberra situated between the Snowy Mountains and the Sapphire Coast. Nestled amidst spectacular scenery and wildlife this peaceful community has a population of around 700 and is the service centre for people living in the far North East Gippsland area. The town boasts a fascinating historical retreat into the bygone era of early settlers and pastoralists. The name 'Delegate' is an aboriginal name meaning 'one big hill'' and is first noted1964 in colonial writings by the Polish explorer Dr. John Lhotsky. There are many other historical interests in the region including a small shrine marking the site of the first place of worship on the Monaro erected in the Delegate Cemetery, which also has many interesting graves dating back to early settlement. At the western end of main street stands a red granite monument commemorating the historic 'Men from Snowy River March' which commenced in Delegate in 1916. There are two parks in town with the Delegate River a lovely place to swim, fish and have a barbeque. The Delegate Cafe provides meals seven days, the Delegate Hotel has meals and accommodation and the Delegate Country Club has a 18 hole golf course with meals. There are a variety of other shops and accommodation plus two service stations and a panel beaters. There is a Tourist Drive which takes in the historic village of Bendoc, once a busy gold mining town. The Delegate River Tunnel which diverted water from the original river to allow gold fossicking and further on are the beautiful forests of the Southeast plateau and Errinundra National Park. Whether down for the country races, having a round of golf, casting to some of the finest trout in mainland or simply taking the many natural wonders of forest and waterfalls, the serenity and friendly nature of the region will bring you back.
Delegate Map