Urangan Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Urangan
- Aldershot
- Apple Tree Creek
- Aramara
- Aubinville
- Avenell Heights
- Avondale
- Baddow
- Bancroft
- Bauple
- Berajondo
- Binjour
- Boonooroo
- Booyal
- Brooweena
- Bucca
- Bungadoo
- Burnett Heads
- Burrum
- Burrum Heads
- Byrnestown
- Cherbourg
- Cinnabar
- Coalstoun Lakes
- Coonarr
- Cordalba
- Dallarnil
- Doolbi
- Dundowran
- Elliott Heads
- Eurong
- Fairymead
- Farnsfield
- Fraser Island
- Glendorf
- Gooburrum
- Goodwood
- Goomeri
- Gooroolba
- Granville
- Gunalda
- Happy Valley
- Hervey Bay
- Howard
- Huxley
- Kalpowar
- Kawungan
- Kepnock
- Kilkivan
- Kingaroy
- Kolan South
- Kowbi
- Lowmead
- Lynwood
- Maaroom
- Maryborough
- Maryborough West
- Millbank
- Moonford
- Moore Park
- Mulgildie
- Mungungo
- Murgon
- Nanango
- Nikenbah
- Norville
- Oakwood
- Orchid Beach
- Pialba
- Point Vernon
- Redridge
- River Heads
- Rosedale
- Scarness
- Sharon
- South Nanango
- Svensson Heights
- Takura
- Tansey
- Thabeban
- Tiaro
- Tinana
- Toogoom
- Torbanlea
- Torquay
- Urraween
- Walkervale
- Wallaville
- Watalgan
- Wondai
- Wondunna
- Woodgate
- Woolooga
- Woongarra
- Yandaran
- Yerra
Sure, Hervey Bay is renowned for its great long stretches of beaches, 40 kilometres in fact, in company with boat access points, picnic and barbecue areas, and of course with easy access to Fraser Island. Urangan features all of these attributes, plus some surprises. There is that wonderful marina, at the eastern end of the Bay. This is the departure point for whale watching tours and also for sea access to Fraser Island as well as a very long pier, measuring just under a kilometre. It is ideal for a brisk pre-breakfast walk. Slightly inland, just up from Kondari Resort, is one of the 10 best botanic gardens in the State. Check it out, a delightful walk it is. This is the Great Sandy Region Botanic Garden. It features a landscaped garden area, plus a relatively raw (natural) walking area along with an orchid house. The latter opens at 10.00am. At the end of the Esplanade, south of the marina, are the remains of an Aboriginal fish trap. This is not in pristine condition, but its 'bones' can still be identified. The Urangan markets are fairly popular. These are held on the sencond, fourth (and if five weekends) fifth Sunday of each month. Historically, it was in this area where Matthew Flinders proved that Fraser Island was just that, an island, separated from the mainland by a bay. There is a memorial to Flinders. On the subject of memorials, there is a monument dedicated to those who sailed on the Krait. The World War II special services unit trained in the Bay area before departing for Singapore.
Urangan Map