St Helens Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby St Helens
- Alanvale
- Alberton
- Ansons Bay
- Apslawn
- Auburn
- Avoca
- Bacala
- Beaconsfield
- Beaumaris
- Beauty Point
- Beechford
- Bell Bay
- Bellingham
- Ben Lomond
- Binalong Bay
- Birralee
- Bishopsbourne
- Blackstone Heights
- Blackwall
- Blackwood Creek
- Blessington
- Blue Rocks
- Bracknell
- Branxholm
- Breadalbane
- Breona
- Bridgenorth
- Bridport
- Bronte Park
- Burns Creek
- Butlers Gorge
- Campbell Town
- Cape Barren Island
- Carrick
- Chain Of Lagoons
- Clarence Point
- Clarendon
- Cleveland
- Cluan
- Conara
- Cornwall
- Corra Linn
- Cressy
- Cuckoo
- Cullenswood
- Danbury Park
- Deddington
- Dee
- Delmont
- Deloraine
- Derby
- Deviot
- Devon Hills
- Diddleum Plains
- Dilston
- Douglas River
- Dunorlan
- East Launceston
- Elizabeth Town
- Elphin
- Emita
- English Town
- Epping Forest
- Evandale
- Exeter
- Exton
- Falmouth
- Fingal
- Flinders Island
- Flowery Gully
- Forester
- Four Mile Creek
- Frankford
- Franklin Village
- Frodsley
- George Town
- Gladstone
- Glendhu
- Glengarry
- Golconda
- Golden Valley
- Goshen
- Goulds Country
- Gravelly Beach
- Gray
- Greens Beach
- Grindelwald
- Hadspen
- Hagley
- Herrick
- Hillwood
- Hollow Tree
- Holwell
- Ilfraville
- Inveresk
- Invermay
- Jackeys Marsh
- Jetsonville
- Kamona
- Karoola
- Kayena
- Kelso
- Killiecrankie
- Kings Meadows
- Lackrana
- Lady Barron
- Lalla
- Lanena
- Launceston
- Launceston South
- Lebrina
- Lefroy
- Legana
- Legerwood
- Legunia
- Lietinna
- Liffey
- Lilydale
- Lisle
- Loccota
- Longford
- Lottah
- Low Head
- Lughrata
- Lulworth
- Mangana
- Mathinna
- Mayfield
- Meander
- Memana
- Miena
- Montana
- Moorina
- Mount Direction
- Mount Nicholas
- Mount William National Park
- Mowbray
- Mowbray Heights
- Musselboro
- Musselroe Bay
- Myrtle Bank
- Nabowla
- Needles
- Newnham
- Newstead
- Nile
- Norwood
- Notley Hills
- Nunamara
- Oaks
- Ormley
- Osmaston
- Osterley
- Palana
- Paper Beach
- Parkham
- Pateena
- Patersonia
- Perth
- Pioneer
- Pipe Clay Bay
- Pipers Brook
- Pipers River
- Poatina
- Powranna
- Priory
- Prospect
- Prospect Vale
- Punchbowl
- Pyengana
- Quamby Brook
- Ranga
- Ravenswood
- Red Hills
- Reedy Marsh
- Relbia
- Retreat
- Richmond Hill
- Ringarooma
- Riverside
- Robigana
- Rocherlea
- Roses Tier
- Rosevale
- Rosevears
- Rossarden
- Rowella
- Sandhill
- Scamander
- Scottsdale
- Selbourne
- Seymour
- Shannon
- Sidmouth
- South Mount Cameron
- St Leonards
- St Marys
- Steiglitz
- Steppes
- Storys Creek
- Strickland
- Summerhill
- Targa
- Tarraleah
- Tasmania North Central
- Tayene
- Telita
- Toiberry
- Tomahawk
- Tonganah
- Tower Hill
- Trenah
- Trevallyn
- Tulendeena
- Tullochgorum
- Tunnel
- Turners Marsh
- Underwood
- Upper Esk
- Victoria Valley
- Waddamana
- Warrentinna
- Waterhouse
- Waverley
- Wayatinah
- Weetah
- Weldborough
- West Launceston
- Westbury
- Western Junction
- Westwood
- Weymouth
- White Hills
- Whitemark
- Whitemore
- Wihareja
- Windemere
- Windermere
- Winkleigh
- Winnaleah
- Wyena
- York Town
- Youngtown
St Helens
St Helens is the largest town on the north-east coast with a population of about 2,000. The town is known as the game fishing capital of Tasmania, and each March the St Helens Game Fishing Classic is the highlight of the year for locals and an increasing number of interstate visitors. From St Helens you can explore Binalong Bay and Bay of Fires, which extend to Eddystone Point. The Bay of Fires (named by British Captain Tobias Furneaux who only saw the smoke from the fires of the local Kunnara Kuna tribe), has white sandy beaches, giant granite boulders, and the area is popular with divers because of its kelp forests and underwater caves. St Helens is a fishing port sheltered by Georges Bay and St Helens Point, a long headland, 1,066 hectares (2,500 acres) of which is reserved as a public conservation area. The other side of the bay - Humbug Point - is also protected. The town was established in the 1830s when tin was discovered in the Blue Tier mountains. The history of the town and the region is told in displays in the St Helens History Room.
Great deals on hotels in St Helens...
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Bayside Hotel - St Helens ![]() From: A$173 More Info... |
Georges Bay Apartments - St Helens ![]() From: A$194 More Info... |
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Panorama Hotel St Helens - St Helens ![]() ![]() From: A$220 More Info... |
St Helens Map