Minyip Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Minyip
- Antwerp
- Apsley
- Arapiles
- Ararat
- Arkona
- Armstrong
- Ashens
- Avon Plains
- Awonga
- Balmoral
- Balrootan North
- Banyena
- Barton
- Bellellen
- Bellfield Settlement
- Benayeo
- Berrambool
- Birchip
- Black Range
- Blackheath
- Bleak House
- Bolangum
- Booroopki
- Boyeo
- Bridge Inn
- Brimpaen
- Bringalbert
- Brit Brit
- Brooksby
- Bulart
- Bungalally
- Burrereo
- Byrneville
- Callawadda
- Campbells Bridge
- Cannum
- Carapook
- Carpolac
- Cathcart
- Cavendish
- Charam
- Cherrypool
- Chetwynd
- Clear Lake
- Clover Flat
- Coleraine
- Connangorach
- Connewirricoo
- Coojar
- Coromby
- Dadswells Bridge
- Dahlen
- Dart Dart
- Deep Lead
- Denicull Creek
- Diapur
- Dimboola
- Dobie
- Dooen
- Dopewarra
- Douglas
- Drung Drung
- Dunkeld
- Edenhope
- Englefield
- Fyans Creek
- Garup
- Gatum
- Gerang Gerung
- Glenisla
- Glenlee
- Glenorchy
- Glenthompson
- Goroke
- Grampians
- Grass Flat
- Great Western
- Green Lake
- Gringegalgona
- Gritjurk
- Gymbowen
- Halls Gap
- Hamilton
- Hamilton North
- Harrow
- Haven
- Hensley Park
- Henty
- Hilgay
- Horsham
- Horsham West
- Illawarra
- Jallukar
- Jallumba
- Jerro
- Jung
- Kadnook
- Kalkee
- Kanagulk
- Kanawalla
- Kangawall
- Karabeal
- Karnak
- Katyil
- Kewell
- Kia Ora
- Kiata
- Kinimakatka
- Laen
- Laharum
- Lake Bolac
- Lake Lonsdale
- Langi Logan
- Langkoop
- Lawler
- Lawloit
- Ledcourt
- Longerenong
- Lubeck
- Mafeking
- Marnoo
- Maroona
- Mckenzie Creek
- Melville Forest
- Merino
- Miga Lake
- Minimay
- Mininera
- Mirranatwa
- Mitre
- Mockinya
- Mokepilly
- Mooralla
- Morea
- Moree
- Mortat
- Mount Elgin
- Moutajup
- Moyston
- Murra Warra
- Murtoa
- Nareen
- Natimuk
- Nerrin Nerrin
- Nhill
- Noradjuha
- Norval
- Nullan
- Nurcoung
- Nurrabiel
- Ozenkadnook
- Paschendale
- Patyah
- Peronne
- Pigeon Ponds
- Pimpinio
- Pomonal
- Poolaijelo
- Powers Creek
- Propodollah
- Pura Pura
- Quantong
- Raluana
- Remlaw
- Rhymney Reef
- Riachella
- Riverside
- Rocklands
- Roses Gap
- Rossbridge
- Rupanyup
- Salisbury
- Serviceton
- Sheep Hills
- St Helens Plains
- Stavely
- Stawell
- Stawell West
- Strathkellar
- Streatham
- Tahara
- Tahara Bridge
- Tahara West
- Tallageira
- Tarranginnie
- Tarrayoukyan
- Tarrenlea
- Tarrington
- Tatyoon
- Telangatuk
- Tooan
- Toolondo
- Ullswater
- Vasey
- Vectis
- Victoria Valley
- Wail
- Wal Wal
- Wallaloo
- Wallup
- Wannon
- Warrayure
- Wartook
- Watgania
- Westmere
- Wickliffe
- Willaura
- Winiam
- Wombelano
- Wonwondah East
- Wonwondah North
- Wonwondah South
- Woohlpooer
- Woorak
- Wootong Vale
- Wycheproof
- Yarram Park
- Yatchaw
- Youngvale
- Yulecart
It is not unusual for first-time visitors to experience a sense of deja vu when they first set foot in the small Wimmera town of Minyip. Chances are they have seen the historic streetscape before - on television. Minyip, 305km north-west of Melbourne, was the setting for The Flying Doctors series and a Main Street sign reminds us that the Senior Citizens' Club once doubled for the Cooper Crossing Flying Doctor Base. A lot of history has been absorbed in some of the town's buildings but none has a more interesting background than St John's Lutheran Church. The original church - built in 1875 by Lutherans who'd fled persecution in their native Silesia and Prussia - was lost in a violent storm in 1889 and rebuilt in the same year. In 1935 the wooden church was lifted on to a wagon and hauled by steam traction engine to its present site. Some of the older, Main Street buildings - including the post office and the historical research centre which occupies the old Guardian newspaper office - date back to the 1880s.
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Country Plaza Halls Gap - Halls Gap ![]() From: A$193 More Info... |
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DULC Cabins - Halls Gap ![]() From: A$500 More Info... |
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Meringa Springs - Wartook ![]() From: A$542 More Info... |
Mount William Station - Willaura ![]() ![]() ![]() From: A$140 More Info... |
Minyip Map