Bunbury Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places in Bunbury
Places nearby Bunbury
- Abbey
- Acton Park
- Albany
- Alexandra Bridge
- Allanson
- Ambergate
- Argyle
- Augusta
- Australind
- Balbarrup
- Balingup
- Beedelup
- Beela
- Beelerup
- Benger
- Binningup
- Bokerup
- Bowelling
- Boyanup
- Boyup Brook
- Bramley
- Bridgetown
- Broadwater
- Brookhampton
- Brunswick Junction
- Buckingham
- Burekup
- Busselton
- Busselton West
- Cape Naturaliste
- Capel
- Capercup
- Carbunup River
- Carey Park
- Carlotta
- Chapman Hill
- Clifton Park
- Collie
- Collie Burn
- Collie Cardiff
- Cordering
- Cowaramup
- Cundinup
- Dardanup
- Davenport
- Deanmill
- Diamond Tree
- Dinninup
- Donnelly River Mill
- Donnybrook
- Dunsborough
- Duranillin
- Eagle Bay
- East Bunbury
- East Busselton
- Eastbrook
- Eaton
- Elgin
- Ewington
- Ferguson
- Flinders Bay
- Forest Grove
- Frankland
- Gelorup
- Gilfillan
- Glen Iris
- Glen Mervyn
- Glenoran
- Gnarabup Beach
- Gracetown
- Greenbushes
- Grimwade
- Gwindinup
- Harvey
- Hester
- Hithergreen
- Jardee
- Jarrahwood
- Jindong
- Jingalup
- Kaloorup
- Kangaroo Gully
- Karridale
- Kirup
- Kudardup
- Kulikup
- Leschenault
- Lowden
- Ludlow
- Lyalls Mill
- Manjimup
- Manjimup East
- Manjimup West
- Margaret River
- Marybrook
- Mayanup
- Meelup
- Metricup
- Middlesex
- Mobrup
- Moodiarrup
- Mornington
- Mullalyup
- Mumballup
- Mummballup
- Muradup
- Myalup
- Nannup
- Newlands
- Nillup
- Noggerup
- Northcliffe
- Nyamup
- Osmington
- Palgarup
- Paynedale
- Pemberton
- Peppermint Grove Beach
- Picton
- Prevelly
- Prevelly Park
- Qualeup
- Quindalup
- Quinninup
- Regional West Australia
- Rocky Gully
- Roelands
- Rosa Brook
- Rosa Glen
- Rottnest
- Ruabon
- Ryans Brook
- Sandridge Park
- Shotts
- Siesta Park
- South Bunbury
- Stratham
- Tone River Mill
- Tonebridge
- Treeton
- Tutunup
- Unicup
- Vasse
- Walpole
- Warner Glen
- Waroona
- Waterloo
- Wellington Mill
- West Busselton
- Westcliffe
- Wheatley
- Wilga
- Willyabrup
- Wilson Park
- Wilyabrup
- Winnejup
- Witchcliffe
- Withers
- Wokalup
- Wollaston
- Wonnerup
- Worsley
- Wyadup
- Yallingup
- Yanmah
- Yelverton
- Yoongarillup
- Yornup
The cosmopolitan city of Bunbury, just two hours drive south of Perth, is located on a spectacular peninsular surrounded by blue waters of the Indian Ocean, Koombana Bay and the Leschenault Inlet. A vibrant port city with a strong maritime history, Bunbury is now renowned for its quality lifestyle and unique blend of nature surrounds and top quality facilities. Bunbury is home to over 100 bottlenose dolphins that reside in the calm waters of Koombanna Bay. Established as a place for people to interact with dolphins in their natural habitat, the Dolphin Discovery Centre offers distinctive shore and boat based experiences. Bunbury's other features include Western Australia's southern-most mangroves, rare basaltic rock and nearby Tuart Forest. A colourful 'cappuccino strip' of sidewalk cafes and a variety of waterside dining options offer numerous opportunities to taste the wonders of the local produce. These cafes and the award-winning restaurants and historic pubs ensure the atmosphere hums from dawn to dusk. Award winning wineries, fields of orchard trees in blossom, wildflowers, forests, national parks, beautiful waterways, historic towns, a wealth of art and craft, are just part of the experience. For golfers Bunbury offers three international courses and family activities include wildlife parks and a miniature train tour. The entertainment and cultural capital of the south west, the Bunbury Entertainment Centre dazzles audiences with opera, drama and comedy from around the nation while Bunbury Regional Art Galleries hosts exhibitions of state and national significance. Contemporary public artworks scattered around the city together with nautically themed street scaping add to the cultural experience. Bunbury has accommodation ranging from four star resorts, award winning specialty accommodation, luxuriously appointed beachfront and city motels, enchanting bed and breakfasts, self contained chalets and apartments in waterside and beach locations through to caravan, camping and backpacker facilities.
Bunbury Map