Barrington Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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Places nearby Barrington


Barrington township, 10 minutes north of Gloucester borders the scenic wonderland of Barrington Tops National Park.

High basalt cliffs and rainforest wilderness, sphagnum moss swamps and trout streams and rolling farmland characterise this World Heritage Listed area, north-west of Maitland, NSW.

Barrington Tops is home to diverse plant and animal life, including rare and endangered species. Delicate spring wildflowers, ancient rainforest, fern-lined gorges and heathland are home the tiger quoll, the powerful of the sooty owls, re-legged pademelon and the sphagnum frog. Watch out for the brightly coloured rifle bird and flocks of black cockatoos.

The area is divided into both State Forest and National Park offering different ways to enjoy Barrington Tops. Access roads can be rough - but points of attraction are generally accessible in conventional vehicle.

Things to Do:

  • Bushwalks - there are number of excellent short loop bush walks through ethereal forest and to panoramic look-outs that will suit walkers all ages. The comprehensive 3 day walk across the whole Tops area, recommended only for the intrepid walker.
  • Scenic Drive - along 146 km tourist drive from Gloucester to Scone
  • Canoeing & Kayaking - on the Barrington River, Allyn River
  • Mountain Bikes/Trail Bikes - various locations
  • Wineries - Allyn River Winery East Gresford, Camyr Allyn Wines East Gresford,
  • Lavender Farm - Camelot Lavender Farm, Dungog
  • Horse Riding - Camp Cobark offers a range of trails
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