Urunga Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Urunga
- Arakoon
- Argents Hill
- Arrawarra
- Arrawarra Headland
- Austral Eden
- Bagnoo
- Ballengarra
- Barrington
- Batar
- Bayldon
- Beechwood
- Belbora
- Bellangry
- Bellbrook
- Bellimbopinni
- Bellingen
- Bellwood
- Berrico
- Billys Creek
- Birdwood
- Blaxlands Flat
- Boambee
- Bobin
- Bohnock
- Bonny Hills
- Bonville
- Boomerang Beach
- Boorganna
- Booti Booti
- Bostobrick
- Bowraville
- Brackendale
- Bretti
- Brierfield
- Brinawa
- Brombin
- Brooklana
- Bulby Brush
- Bulliac
- Bundook
- Bungwahl
- Burnt Bridge
- Burrapine
- Burrell Creek
- Byabarra
- Caffreys Flat
- Camden Haven
- Caparra
- Carcolla
- Cascade
- Charity Creek
- Chatham
- Clybucca
- Coffs Harbour
- Collombatti
- Comara
- Comboyne
- Coomba
- Copeland
- Coramba
- Corangula
- Corindi Beach
- Corroboree Flat
- Crescent Head
- Croki
- Crowdy Head
- Cundletown
- Dairyville
- Deer Vale
- Diamond Beach
- Diamond Head
- Dondingalong
- Doon Ayre
- Dorrigo
- Dorrigo North
- Dumaresq Island
- Dunbogan
- Dundurrabin
- Dyers Crossing
- Elands
- Elizabeth Beach
- Ellenborough
- Emerald Beach
- Eungai Creek
- Eungai Rail
- Euroka
- Fernbrook
- Fernmount
- Firefly
- Five Day Creek
- Forbesdale
- Frederickton
- Gangat
- Georges Creek
- Ghinni Ghinni
- Gillieston Heights
- Giro
- Girvan
- Gladstone
- Gleniffer
- Glenreagh
- Glenthorne
- Gloucester
- Grassy Head
- Gum Scrub
- Hannam Vale
- Hat Head
- Herons Creek
- Hibbard
- Hickeys Creek
- Hillville
- Hollisdale
- Hyland Park
- Innes View
- Jerseyville
- Johns River
- Johnsons Creek
- Jones Island
- Kalang
- Karangi
- Kempsey
- Kempsey East
- Kendall
- Kew
- Killabakh
- Killawarra
- Kimbriki
- Kinchela
- Kinchela Creek
- Kindee
- Knorrit Flat
- Koorainghat
- Korora
- Krambach
- Kundabung
- Kundle Kundle
- Lake Cathie
- Langley Vale
- Laurieton
- Leigh
- Long Flat
- Lorne
- Lowanna
- Lower Bucca
- Lower Creek
- Macksville
- Markwell
- Marlee
- Maudville
- Megan
- Melinga
- Millbank
- Missabotti
- Mitchells Island
- Moleton
- Mooneba
- Moonee
- Moonee Beach
- Mooral Creek
- Moorland
- Moparrabah
- Mortons Creek
- Mount George
- Mount Seaview
- Mountain Top
- Mullaway
- Mungay Creek
- Mylestom
- Nabiac
- Nambucca Heads
- Nana Glen
- North Haven
- North Shore
- Nowendoc
- Number One
- Nymboida
- Pappinbarra
- Pembroke
- Pembrooke
- Pioneer Park
- Pipers Bay
- Point Plomer
- Possum Brush
- Purfleet
- Rainbow Flat
- Raleigh
- Rawdon Island
- Rawdon Vale
- Red Head
- Red Hill
- Redbank
- Repton
- Riamukka
- Rocks Crossing
- Rollands Plains
- Rookhurst
- Rosewood
- Rossglen
- Safety Beach
- Sandy Beach
- Sapphire Beach
- Sawtell
- Scotts Head
- Sherwood
- Skillion Flat
- Smiths Lake
- Smithtown
- South Kempsey
- South West Rocks
- Stuarts Point
- Talarm
- Tamban
- Tamboy
- Taylors Arm
- Telegraph Point
- Temagog
- The Branch
- Thora
- Tibbuc
- Tiona
- Toms Creek
- Toormina
- Toorooka
- Tugrabakh
- Turners Flat
- Tyringham
- Ulong
- Upper Bowman
- Upper Orara
- Upper Pappinbarra
- Upper Rollands Plains
- Utungun
- Valery
- Valla
- Valla Beach
- Wallabi Point
- Wallanbah
- Wapra
- Warrell Creek
- Wauchope
- Waukivory
- West Haven
- West Kempsey
- Wherrol Flat
- Whoota
- Willawarrin
- Wittitrin
- Woodside
- Woolgoolga
- Yarrahapinni
Urunga lies on the junction of the Bellinger and Kalang Rivers, prior to entering the Pacific Ocean. Located on the Pacific Highway just north of Nambucca Heads and south of Coffs Harbour, the township is well known for its sea lido and footbridge across the Urunga Lagoon to the mouth of the river and the unspoilt beaches. It is an excellent location for canoeing as well as being a popular fishing and surfing spot. Bellingen Shire Council Visitor Information Centre is located on the Pacific Highway, Urunga. Open Mon-Sat 9am to 5pm, and Sunday 10 am to 2 pm, the Centre provides extensive information on Urunga and surrounds, and has an over-the-counter booking service for accommodation. For more information contact: (02) 6655 5117.
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Urunga Map