Stirling Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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Set back off the South Eastern Freeway in the Adelaide Hills, the semi-rural suburb of Stirling is within a few minutes drive of some of the region's scenic showcases.

The outstanding feature on the landscape is 725m Mount Lofty which offers panoramic views of the Festival City. The summit and restaurant view also gives your directional pointers to the Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens which overlook the Piccadilly Valley, the Cleland Conservation Park and its wildlife park which presents native birds and animals in natural bushland and the Mt Barker Road route to Aldgate and Bridgewater.

Centrepiece in Bridgewater is the 1860 waterwheel and restored mill which houses the maturation and wine-making plant for leading label Petaluma's sparkling wines.

Another district standout is the Warrawong Sanctuary at Mylor where the cats-for-hats lobbyist Dr John Wamsley has had signal success in regenerating endangered wildlife and flora in a 30ha natural habitat.

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