Cowell Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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Cowell is a seaside town on the Eyre Peninsula offering interesting attractions, a variety of accommodation and a fascinating history. Franklin Harbour, a 48 square kilometre natural harbour with calm, fish filled waters, has for many years fostered Cowell's reputation as one of the best fishing destinations in South Australia. And now it's also helping to put Cowell on the map as an oyster producer. The harbour supports an array of fish including whiting, snapper, snook, tommy ruff, flathead, garfish and squid. Crabs are also caught night and day in the shallows, while the mangrove swamp south of town is a haven for birds. Franklin Harbour's popularity has been backed by many foreshore developments including the deepening of the boating channel, a new enclosed tidal aquatic area, sheltered barbecue facilities and a large adventure playground. There's also plenty to do away from the water. Cowell boasts one of the largest jade deposits in the world and the famed Gumnuts children's author May Gibbs spent part of her life here. Settled in 1853, Cowell has developed into a substantial township with a variety of shops, telecentre with internet access, accommodation and sporting facilities. The words Cowell and jade go hand in hand; as it is here that the beautiful nephrite jade was discovered in 1965 in the nearby Minbrie Ranges. Cowell jade is recognised as the oldest and one of the largest deposits in the world, with a variety of colours and patterns not found elsewhere. There are souvenirs, cut jade, jewellery and some of the most colourful marble available at the Cowell Jade Motel Showroom (open seven days a week). Oyster farming is a relatively new but thriving industry in this community. Leased areas in Franklin Harbour produce these delicacies on a commercial basis. A large percentage of South Australia's oyster supply came from Cowell last year. Fresh seafood and oysters in season can be purchased through various outlets in Cowell. Finfish farming is also conducted in the harbour and although in its infancy is a growing industry in Cowell. Places to visit in Cowell: Aqa Oysters - meet the business that offers the taste of the sea in every oyster; see bulk handling practices in action. Tours include a tasting of a natural oyster, video presentation of farming techniques. Fresh oysters available for sale. Tours Monday to Friday at 1400. Group bookings welcome (weekends included). Eyre Peninsula's largest wind farm - Mount Millar Wind Farm is operational on an escarpment approximately 38 kilometres from Cowell travelling towards Cleve. From the public viewing area at the top of Range Road see the enormous two-megawatt wind turbines with a blade diameter of 71 metres atop an 85 metre tall tower and a total height of 120 metres. The viewing area is signposted at 17 kilometres from Cowell on the Cowell-Cleve Road, and is open to the public seven days a week - admission is free. May Gibbs Memorial - approximately 10 kilometres from Cowell on the Cleve Road. A memorial and plaque marks the nearby location of the first Australian home of renowned children's author May Gibbs. The early part of her childhood in this area would have been important in the later development of the famous 'Gumnut Babies' characters for her many books.

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