Kyancutta Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Kyancutta
- Border Village
- Buckleboo
- Butler Tanks
- Calca
- Ceduna
- Chandada
- Cleve
- Cockaleechie
- Coffin Bay
- Cook
- Coorabie
- Cootra
- Coulta
- Cowell
- Cummins
- Cungena
- Darke Peak
- Edillilie
- Elliston
- Fowlers Bay
- Greenpatch
- Haslam
- Iron Baron
- Iron Knob
- Kapinnie
- Karkoo
- Kielpa
- Kimba
- Koongawa
- Koonibba
- Koppio
- Lipson
- Lock
- Louth Bay
- Minnipa
- Mount Damper
- Mount Hope
- Mount Wedge
- Mudamuckla
- Murdinga
- Nonning
- North Shields
- Nullarbor
- Nundroo
- Nunjikompita
- Ooldea
- Poochera
- Port Clinton
- Port Kenny
- Port Lincoln
- Port Neill
- Rudall
- Sceale Bay
- Sheringa
- Smoky Bay
- Streaky Bay
- Thevenard
- Tooligie
- Tumby Bay
- Ungarra
- Venus Bay
- Wangary
- Wanilla
- Warrachie
- Warramboo
- Warrow
- Wharminda
- Whyalla
- Whyalla Jenkins
- Whyalla Norrie
- Whyalla Norrie East
- Whyalla Norrie North
- Whyalla Playford
- Whyalla Stuart
- Wirrulla
- Wudinna
- Yalata
- Yallunda Flat
- Yaninee
- Yeelanna
Kyancutta derived its name from the local hill, which has the Aboriginal name Kutta Kutta meaning Little Night Hawk. An official weather station was established in 1928 and members of the Bedford family have maintained three hourly programs of weather observations. In 1986, Polkdinney Park was opened in honour of the first settlers to the area. The unique granite outcrop of Corrobinnie Hill and Pinkawillinie Conservation Park can be seen, but are generally only accessible by four wheel drive vehicles. Pinkawillinie Conservation Park and the surrounding Gawler Ranges offer a wide range of nature-based activities including 4WD touring, bush camping, bushwalking, photography and nature. Corrobinnie Hill is made up of unusual-shaped, weathered, granite rocks. This site is located within Corrobinnie Hill Conservation Park and can be accessed by 4WD from Kyancutta.
Kyancutta Map