Cummins Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Cummins
- Border Village
- Buckleboo
- Butler Tanks
- Calca
- Ceduna
- Chandada
- Cleve
- Cockaleechie
- Coffin Bay
- Cook
- Coorabie
- Cootra
- Coulta
- Cowell
- Cungena
- Darke Peak
- Edillilie
- Elliston
- Fowlers Bay
- Greenpatch
- Haslam
- Iron Baron
- Iron Knob
- Kapinnie
- Karkoo
- Kielpa
- Kimba
- Koongawa
- Koonibba
- Koppio
- Kyancutta
- Lipson
- Lock
- Louth Bay
- Minnipa
- Mount Damper
- Mount Hope
- Mount Wedge
- Mudamuckla
- Murdinga
- Nonning
- North Shields
- Nullarbor
- Nundroo
- Nunjikompita
- Ooldea
- Poochera
- Port Clinton
- Port Kenny
- Port Lincoln
- Port Neill
- Rudall
- Sceale Bay
- Sheringa
- Smoky Bay
- Streaky Bay
- Thevenard
- Tooligie
- Tumby Bay
- Ungarra
- Venus Bay
- Wangary
- Wanilla
- Warrachie
- Warramboo
- Warrow
- Wharminda
- Whyalla
- Whyalla Jenkins
- Whyalla Norrie
- Whyalla Norrie East
- Whyalla Norrie North
- Whyalla Playford
- Whyalla Stuart
- Wirrulla
- Wudinna
- Yalata
- Yallunda Flat
- Yaninee
- Yeelanna
Cummins sits at the centre of rich undulating farmland on lower Eyre Peninsula, and offers a good array of shops, health, sport and accommodation facilities. Only half an hour drive away from Cummins, you'll find the east and west coasts, with their magnificent fishing and surfing beaches. To the east coast there is the Glendara Rose Garden, Koppio Smithy Museum, and Tod Reservoir and Museum. Enjoy the picturesque scenery on the drive through the hills to Koppio or Tumby Bay. Cummins is the home of the World Championship Kalamazoo Classic. Hand-operated rail cars are raced along the dual railway line that runs through the centre of Cummins. The event is held biennially with the next event in April 2008. In February each year Cummins presents a weekend of entertainment with Cummins Under Canvas and Wildeloo Music Festival. Friday night is a family night of entertainment featuring local talent as well as a feature band. Wildeloo is on Saturday night and is a youth music festival attracting a crowd of approximately 2000 people. The festival begins in the afternoon and features a variety of bands. Both events are fully catered with bar facilities. Cummins's central location makes it a great spot to visit or stay while exploring the lower Eyre Peninsula.
Cummins Map