Darke Peak Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Darke Peak
- Border Village
- Buckleboo
- Butler Tanks
- Calca
- Ceduna
- Chandada
- Cleve
- Cockaleechie
- Coffin Bay
- Cook
- Coorabie
- Cootra
- Coulta
- Cowell
- Cummins
- Cungena
- Edillilie
- Elliston
- Fowlers Bay
- Greenpatch
- Haslam
- Iron Baron
- Iron Knob
- Kapinnie
- Karkoo
- Kielpa
- Kimba
- Koongawa
- Koonibba
- Koppio
- Kyancutta
- Lipson
- Lock
- Louth Bay
- Minnipa
- Mount Damper
- Mount Hope
- Mount Wedge
- Mudamuckla
- Murdinga
- Nonning
- North Shields
- Nullarbor
- Nundroo
- Nunjikompita
- Ooldea
- Poochera
- Port Clinton
- Port Kenny
- Port Lincoln
- Port Neill
- Rudall
- Sceale Bay
- Sheringa
- Smoky Bay
- Streaky Bay
- Thevenard
- Tooligie
- Tumby Bay
- Ungarra
- Venus Bay
- Wangary
- Wanilla
- Warrachie
- Warramboo
- Warrow
- Wharminda
- Whyalla
- Whyalla Jenkins
- Whyalla Norrie
- Whyalla Norrie East
- Whyalla Norrie North
- Whyalla Playford
- Whyalla Stuart
- Wirrulla
- Wudinna
- Yalata
- Yallunda Flat
- Yaninee
- Yeelanna
Darke Peak
Darke Peak is a small community on Eyre Peninsula which is an ideal base for local bushwalking and birdwatching. You'll find Darke Range, Caralue Bluff and Carappee Conservation Park nearby. Carappee Hill is the highest point - 495 metres above sea level. Hambidge Wilderness Area and Darke Range conservation parks are also nearby - good locations for bushwalking and birdwatching. The town of Darke Peak and the nearby range were named after John Charles Darke who was speared in 1844 while on an exploratory trip. His grave is located on the western side of the Darke Range.
Darke Peak Map