Waterholes Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Waterholes
- Bairnsdale
- Bellbird Creek
- Bemm River
- Benambra
- Bendoc
- Bengworden
- Bete Bolong
- Bindi
- Bingo Munjie North
- Black Snake Creek
- Bonang
- Broadlands
- Brodribb River
- Brookville
- Bruthen
- Buchan
- Buldah
- Bullumwaal
- Bumberrah
- Butchers Ridge
- Cabanandra
- Cabbage Tree Creek
- Calulu
- Cann River
- Cassilis
- Castleburn
- Chandlers Creek
- Claybank
- Clifton Creek
- Club Terrace
- Cobbannah
- Cobungra
- Colquhoun
- Combienbar
- Coongulmerang
- Crooked River
- Dargo
- Deddick
- Dellicknora
- Delvine
- Deptford
- Dinner Plain
- Doctors Flat
- Eagle Point
- Ellaswood
- Ensay
- Errinundra
- Errinundra National Park
- Fairhope
- Fernbank
- Flaggy Creek
- Forge Creek
- Furnell
- Gabo Island
- Gelantipy
- Genoa
- Gillingall
- Gipsy Point
- Glen Valley
- Glen Wills
- Glenaladale
- Golden Beach
- Goon Nure
- Goongerah
- Granite Rock
- Hawkhurst
- Haydens Bog
- Hinnomunjie
- Hollands Landing
- Hotham Heights
- Iguana Creek
- Jarrahmond
- Johnsonville
- Kalimna
- Kalimna West
- Lake Tyers
- Lake Tyers Beach
- Lakes Entrance
- Lindenow
- Lindenow South
- Loch Sport
- Lochend
- Lucknow
- Mallacoota
- Marlo
- Martins Creek
- Meerlieu
- Melwood
- Metung
- Mossiface
- Mount Taylor
- Murrindal
- Newlands Arm
- Newmerella
- Nicholson
- Noorinbee
- Nowa Nowa
- Nungurner
- Ocean Grange
- Omeo
- Orbost
- Paynesville
- Raymond Island
- Riverford
- Sardine Creek
- Sarsfield
- Seacombe
- Suggan Buggan
- Swan Reach
- Swifts Creek
- Tabberabbera
- Talbotville
- Tambo Crossing
- Tamboon South
- The Brothers
- The Fingerboards
- The Walnuts
- Timbarra
- Tonghi Creek
- Tongio
- Tongio West
- Toorloo Arm
- Tostaree
- Tubbut
- Uplands
- Upper Tambo
- W Tree
- Wairewa
- Walpa
- Waterford
- Waygara
- Weeragua
- Wiseleigh
- Woodglen
- Wroxham
- Wuk Wuk
- Wulgulmerang
- Wy Yung
We do not currently have any general information about Waterholes. To find out more about the area try the following locations:
Waterholes Map
Waterholes Map - Legend
Multiple Hotels

Click on the map markers for more information. Hover over the map to zoom in & out or see satellite & terrain views.