Apollo Bay Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Apollo Bay
- Allans Forest
- Allansford
- Allenvale
- Allestree
- Alvie
- Anglesea
- Ardno
- Ardonachie
- Aringa
- Armytage
- Ayrford
- Bahgallah
- Balintore
- Ballangeich
- Bambra
- Banool
- Barongarook
- Barramunga
- Barwon Downs
- Beeac
- Beech Forest
- Bellbrae
- Bells Beach
- Benwerrin
- Berrybank
- Bessiebelle
- Birregurra
- Bolwarra
- Bookaar
- Boonah
- Boorcan
- Boortkoi
- Bostock Creek
- Branxholme
- Broadwater
- Brucknell
- Buckley
- Buckley Swamp
- Bungador
- Burrupa
- Bushfield
- Byaduk
- Byaduk North
- Camperdown
- Cape Bridgewater
- Cape Otway
- Caramut
- Carlisle River
- Carpendeit
- Cashmore
- Casterton
- Chapple Vale
- Charleys Creek
- Chatsworth
- Cobden
- Cobrico
- Codrington
- Colac
- Colac West
- Condah
- Cooriemungle
- Coragulac
- Cororooke
- Cowleys Creek
- Cressy
- Crossley
- Crowes
- Croxton East
- Cudgee
- Cundare
- Curdie Vale
- Darlington
- Dartmoor
- Deans Marsh
- Dennington
- Dergholm
- Derrinallum
- Devondale
- Digby
- Dinmont
- Dixie
- Dorodong
- Dreeite
- Drik Drik
- Drumborg
- Dundonnell
- Dunmore
- Dunrobin
- Duverney
- Eastern View
- Ecklin South
- Elingamite
- Ellerslie
- Elliminyt
- Eurack
- Fairhaven
- Ferguson
- Forrest
- Foxhow
- Framlingham
- Freshwater Creek
- Garvoc
- Gazette
- Gellibrand River
- Gerangamete
- Glenaire
- Glenfyne
- Glenormiston
- Glenormiston South
- Gnarkeet
- Gnotuk
- Gorae
- Grassdale
- Grassmere
- Great Ocean Road
- Greenwald
- Hawkesdale
- Heathmere
- Hexham
- Heywood
- Homerton
- Hordern Vale
- Hotspur
- Illowa
- Irrewarra
- Irrewillipe
- Jan Juc
- Jancourt East
- Johanna
- Kariah
- Kawarren
- Kennedys Creek
- Kennett River
- Kentbruck
- Killala
- Killarney
- Kincaid
- Kirkstall
- Knebsworth
- Kolora
- Koroit
- Laang
- Lake Condah
- Lake Mundi
- Larpent
- Larralea
- Lavers Hill
- Leslie Manor
- Lindsay
- Lismore
- Lorne
- Lovat
- Lower Gellibrand
- Lower Heytesbury
- Lyons
- Macarthur
- Mailors Flat
- Marengo
- Marp
- Mepunga
- Milltown
- Minhamite
- Minjah
- Modewarre
- Moriac
- Mortlake
- Mount Eckersley
- Mount Elephant
- Mount Richmond
- Mumbannar
- Mumblin
- Murroon
- Myamyn
- Nalangil
- Naringal
- Naringal East
- Naringhil
- Naringhil South
- Naroghid
- Narrawong
- Nelson
- Newfield
- Nirranda
- Noorat
- Nullawarre
- Ombersley
- Ondit
- Orford
- Paaratte
- Panmure
- Paraparap
- Pennyroyal
- Penshurst
- Peterborough
- Pirron Yallock
- Point Roadknight
- Pomborneit
- Pomborneit East
- Port Campbell
- Port Fairy
- Portland
- Portland North
- Princess Margaret Rose Caves
- Princetown
- Puralka
- Purdeet
- Purnim
- Purrumbete South
- Red Cap Creek
- Rickett Marsh
- Ripponhurst
- Rosebrook
- Salt Creek
- Sandforde
- Scotts Creek
- Simpson
- Sinclair
- Skenes Creek
- Southern Cross
- St Helens
- Stalker
- Stoneyford
- Strathdownie
- Swan Marsh
- Tabor
- Tandarook
- Tanybryn
- Taroon
- Tarragal
- Terang
- Terrinallum
- Tesbury
- The Cove
- The Gums
- The Sisters
- Timboon
- Tomahawk Creek
- Toolong
- Torquay
- Tower Hill
- Tullich
- Tyrendarra
- Upper Gellibrand
- Vite Vite
- Waarre
- Wallacedale
- Wando Vale
- Wangerrip
- Wangoom
- Warncoort
- Warrion
- Warrnambool
- Warrnambool East
- Warrnambool West
- Warrong
- Wattle Hill
- Webster Hill
- Weeaproinah
- Weerangourt
- Weerite
- Werneth
- Whoorel
- Wilgul
- Wilkin
- Willatook
- Wimba
- Winchelsea
- Winnap
- Winslow
- Wongarra
- Woodford
- Woodhouse
- Wool Wool
- Woolsthorpe
- Wooriwyrite
- Woorndoo
- Wurdiboluc
- Wye River
- Wyelangta
- Yambuk
- Yangery
- Yarpturk
- Yaugher
- Yeodene
- Yuulong
Apollo Bay
Located at the foothills of the Otways and in the heart of the Great Ocean Road region, Apollo Bay has been called 'Paradise by the Sea'. Discover the town's wide, crescent-shaped sandy swimming beach, backdrop of rolling green Otway hills, relaxed lifestyle, waterfalls, and national and state parks. Like many places along the Great Ocean Road, the beach is a focus for activity all year round. Swim in the clear water, sea kayak with local seals, indulge in some deep-sea fishing, learn to surf, or horse ride along the beach at sunset. Head to Marriners Lookout Road for panoramic views over the town and coast. Another favourite lookout is Cape Patton, east of Apollo Bay near Wye River. Or take to the air for spectacular views of the nearby Twelve Apostles on one of many charter flights available from the local airport. Fishing is an important local industry and seafood is always on the menu at the local cafés and restaurants. For great views try Chris's at Beacon Point high in the hills overlooking the sea. Shop for art and curios in the many gift shops, galleries and tea houses and peruse the regular Saturday foreshore market for local crafts and produce. Head into the Otways to find mainland Australia's oldest lighthouse. Explore nearby forest and waterfall walks or enjoy an exhilarating ride through the ranges on a mountain bike. Take a treetop walk along the Otway Fly and enjoy a bird's eye view of the spectacular Otways rainforest. Apollo Bay is located 195 kilometres south-west of Melbourne, a scenic 3.5 hour drive by car via the Great Ocean Road. A shorter alternative route is via Forrest and Birregurra, which takes just under three hours. Daily coach services are available from Melbourne or rail/coach services via Geelong.
Great deals on hotels in Apollo Bay...
Beacon Point Ocean View Villas - Apollo Bay ![]() From: A$347 More Info... |
The International - Apollo Bay ![]() From: A$270 More Info... |
Apollo Bay Map