Port Campbell Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Port Campbell
- Allans Forest
- Allansford
- Allenvale
- Allestree
- Alvie
- Anglesea
- Apollo Bay
- Ardno
- Ardonachie
- Aringa
- Armytage
- Ayrford
- Bahgallah
- Balintore
- Ballangeich
- Bambra
- Banool
- Barongarook
- Barramunga
- Barwon Downs
- Beeac
- Beech Forest
- Bellbrae
- Bells Beach
- Benwerrin
- Berrybank
- Bessiebelle
- Birregurra
- Bolwarra
- Bookaar
- Boonah
- Boorcan
- Boortkoi
- Bostock Creek
- Branxholme
- Broadwater
- Brucknell
- Buckley
- Buckley Swamp
- Bungador
- Burrupa
- Bushfield
- Byaduk
- Byaduk North
- Camperdown
- Cape Bridgewater
- Cape Otway
- Caramut
- Carlisle River
- Carpendeit
- Cashmore
- Casterton
- Chapple Vale
- Charleys Creek
- Chatsworth
- Cobden
- Cobrico
- Codrington
- Colac
- Colac West
- Condah
- Cooriemungle
- Coragulac
- Cororooke
- Cowleys Creek
- Cressy
- Crossley
- Crowes
- Croxton East
- Cudgee
- Cundare
- Curdie Vale
- Darlington
- Dartmoor
- Deans Marsh
- Dennington
- Dergholm
- Derrinallum
- Devondale
- Digby
- Dinmont
- Dixie
- Dorodong
- Dreeite
- Drik Drik
- Drumborg
- Dundonnell
- Dunmore
- Dunrobin
- Duverney
- Eastern View
- Ecklin South
- Elingamite
- Ellerslie
- Elliminyt
- Eurack
- Fairhaven
- Ferguson
- Forrest
- Foxhow
- Framlingham
- Freshwater Creek
- Garvoc
- Gazette
- Gellibrand River
- Gerangamete
- Glenaire
- Glenfyne
- Glenormiston
- Glenormiston South
- Gnarkeet
- Gnotuk
- Gorae
- Grassdale
- Grassmere
- Great Ocean Road
- Greenwald
- Hawkesdale
- Heathmere
- Hexham
- Heywood
- Homerton
- Hordern Vale
- Hotspur
- Illowa
- Irrewarra
- Irrewillipe
- Jan Juc
- Jancourt East
- Johanna
- Kariah
- Kawarren
- Kennedys Creek
- Kennett River
- Kentbruck
- Killala
- Killarney
- Kincaid
- Kirkstall
- Knebsworth
- Kolora
- Koroit
- Laang
- Lake Condah
- Lake Mundi
- Larpent
- Larralea
- Lavers Hill
- Leslie Manor
- Lindsay
- Lismore
- Lorne
- Lovat
- Lower Gellibrand
- Lower Heytesbury
- Lyons
- Macarthur
- Mailors Flat
- Marengo
- Marp
- Mepunga
- Milltown
- Minhamite
- Minjah
- Modewarre
- Moriac
- Mortlake
- Mount Eckersley
- Mount Elephant
- Mount Richmond
- Mumbannar
- Mumblin
- Murroon
- Myamyn
- Nalangil
- Naringal
- Naringal East
- Naringhil
- Naringhil South
- Naroghid
- Narrawong
- Nelson
- Newfield
- Nirranda
- Noorat
- Nullawarre
- Ombersley
- Ondit
- Orford
- Paaratte
- Panmure
- Paraparap
- Pennyroyal
- Penshurst
- Peterborough
- Pirron Yallock
- Point Roadknight
- Pomborneit
- Pomborneit East
- Port Fairy
- Portland
- Portland North
- Princess Margaret Rose Caves
- Princetown
- Puralka
- Purdeet
- Purnim
- Purrumbete South
- Red Cap Creek
- Rickett Marsh
- Ripponhurst
- Rosebrook
- Salt Creek
- Sandforde
- Scotts Creek
- Simpson
- Sinclair
- Skenes Creek
- Southern Cross
- St Helens
- Stalker
- Stoneyford
- Strathdownie
- Swan Marsh
- Tabor
- Tandarook
- Tanybryn
- Taroon
- Tarragal
- Terang
- Terrinallum
- Tesbury
- The Cove
- The Gums
- The Sisters
- Timboon
- Tomahawk Creek
- Toolong
- Torquay
- Tower Hill
- Tullich
- Tyrendarra
- Upper Gellibrand
- Vite Vite
- Waarre
- Wallacedale
- Wando Vale
- Wangerrip
- Wangoom
- Warncoort
- Warrion
- Warrnambool
- Warrnambool East
- Warrnambool West
- Warrong
- Wattle Hill
- Webster Hill
- Weeaproinah
- Weerangourt
- Weerite
- Werneth
- Whoorel
- Wilgul
- Wilkin
- Willatook
- Wimba
- Winchelsea
- Winnap
- Winslow
- Wongarra
- Woodford
- Woodhouse
- Wool Wool
- Woolsthorpe
- Wooriwyrite
- Woorndoo
- Wurdiboluc
- Wye River
- Wyelangta
- Yambuk
- Yangery
- Yarpturk
- Yaugher
- Yeodene
- Yuulong
Port Campbell
Towards the western end of the Great Ocean Road, Port Campbell is nestled among some of Victoria's most spectacular coastline scenery, including Port Campbell National Park and the Twelve Apostles. Sheltered by cliffs and Norfolk pines, it has the atmosphere of a haven on the edge of wild nature. A colourful and lively seaside village, Port Campbell is home to restaurants and cafés with views of the beach, bakeries selling homemade goodies and vibrant shops and galleries to explore. Port Campbell is a great base for seeing the Twelve Apostles, the dramatic rock stacks that have made this coastline famous. Take to the air for a bird's-eye view of the Twelve Apostles, or join a boat tour around them to experience their immense size. Other stunning coastal features include Loch Ard Gorge, Gibson Steps and the Bay of Islands. Creeks and the harbour offer excellent fishing and Two Mile Bay is revered by surfers as one of the best big-wave breaks in Australia. Join a dive tour and visit large canyons and gorges on the sea floor or a boat tour taking anglers and passengers close to the stacks, caves and arches in the area. Port Campbell is 283 kilometres south-west of Melbourne. Travel by car via the Great Ocean Road.
Great deals on hotels in Port Campbell...
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Anchors Port Campbell - Port Campbell ![]() ![]() From: A$500 More Info... |
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Southern Ocean Villas - Port Campbell ![]() ![]() From: A$431 More Info... |
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