Lorne Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Lorne
- Allans Forest
- Allansford
- Allenvale
- Allestree
- Alvie
- Anglesea
- Apollo Bay
- Ardno
- Ardonachie
- Aringa
- Armytage
- Ayrford
- Bahgallah
- Balintore
- Ballangeich
- Bambra
- Banool
- Barongarook
- Barramunga
- Barwon Downs
- Beeac
- Beech Forest
- Bellbrae
- Bells Beach
- Benwerrin
- Berrybank
- Bessiebelle
- Birregurra
- Bolwarra
- Bookaar
- Boonah
- Boorcan
- Boortkoi
- Bostock Creek
- Branxholme
- Broadwater
- Brucknell
- Buckley
- Buckley Swamp
- Bungador
- Burrupa
- Bushfield
- Byaduk
- Byaduk North
- Camperdown
- Cape Bridgewater
- Cape Otway
- Caramut
- Carlisle River
- Carpendeit
- Cashmore
- Casterton
- Chapple Vale
- Charleys Creek
- Chatsworth
- Cobden
- Cobrico
- Codrington
- Colac
- Colac West
- Condah
- Cooriemungle
- Coragulac
- Cororooke
- Cowleys Creek
- Cressy
- Crossley
- Crowes
- Croxton East
- Cudgee
- Cundare
- Curdie Vale
- Darlington
- Dartmoor
- Deans Marsh
- Dennington
- Dergholm
- Derrinallum
- Devondale
- Digby
- Dinmont
- Dixie
- Dorodong
- Dreeite
- Drik Drik
- Drumborg
- Dundonnell
- Dunmore
- Dunrobin
- Duverney
- Eastern View
- Ecklin South
- Elingamite
- Ellerslie
- Elliminyt
- Eurack
- Fairhaven
- Ferguson
- Forrest
- Foxhow
- Framlingham
- Freshwater Creek
- Garvoc
- Gazette
- Gellibrand River
- Gerangamete
- Glenaire
- Glenfyne
- Glenormiston
- Glenormiston South
- Gnarkeet
- Gnotuk
- Gorae
- Grassdale
- Grassmere
- Great Ocean Road
- Greenwald
- Hawkesdale
- Heathmere
- Hexham
- Heywood
- Homerton
- Hordern Vale
- Hotspur
- Illowa
- Irrewarra
- Irrewillipe
- Jan Juc
- Jancourt East
- Johanna
- Kariah
- Kawarren
- Kennedys Creek
- Kennett River
- Kentbruck
- Killala
- Killarney
- Kincaid
- Kirkstall
- Knebsworth
- Kolora
- Koroit
- Laang
- Lake Condah
- Lake Mundi
- Larpent
- Larralea
- Lavers Hill
- Leslie Manor
- Lindsay
- Lismore
- Lovat
- Lower Gellibrand
- Lower Heytesbury
- Lyons
- Macarthur
- Mailors Flat
- Marengo
- Marp
- Mepunga
- Milltown
- Minhamite
- Minjah
- Modewarre
- Moriac
- Mortlake
- Mount Eckersley
- Mount Elephant
- Mount Richmond
- Mumbannar
- Mumblin
- Murroon
- Myamyn
- Nalangil
- Naringal
- Naringal East
- Naringhil
- Naringhil South
- Naroghid
- Narrawong
- Nelson
- Newfield
- Nirranda
- Noorat
- Nullawarre
- Ombersley
- Ondit
- Orford
- Paaratte
- Panmure
- Paraparap
- Pennyroyal
- Penshurst
- Peterborough
- Pirron Yallock
- Point Roadknight
- Pomborneit
- Pomborneit East
- Port Campbell
- Port Fairy
- Portland
- Portland North
- Princess Margaret Rose Caves
- Princetown
- Puralka
- Purdeet
- Purnim
- Purrumbete South
- Red Cap Creek
- Rickett Marsh
- Ripponhurst
- Rosebrook
- Salt Creek
- Sandforde
- Scotts Creek
- Simpson
- Sinclair
- Skenes Creek
- Southern Cross
- St Helens
- Stalker
- Stoneyford
- Strathdownie
- Swan Marsh
- Tabor
- Tandarook
- Tanybryn
- Taroon
- Tarragal
- Terang
- Terrinallum
- Tesbury
- The Cove
- The Gums
- The Sisters
- Timboon
- Tomahawk Creek
- Toolong
- Torquay
- Tower Hill
- Tullich
- Tyrendarra
- Upper Gellibrand
- Vite Vite
- Waarre
- Wallacedale
- Wando Vale
- Wangerrip
- Wangoom
- Warncoort
- Warrion
- Warrnambool
- Warrnambool East
- Warrnambool West
- Warrong
- Wattle Hill
- Webster Hill
- Weeaproinah
- Weerangourt
- Weerite
- Werneth
- Whoorel
- Wilgul
- Wilkin
- Willatook
- Wimba
- Winchelsea
- Winnap
- Winslow
- Wongarra
- Woodford
- Woodhouse
- Wool Wool
- Woolsthorpe
- Wooriwyrite
- Woorndoo
- Wurdiboluc
- Wye River
- Wyelangta
- Yambuk
- Yangery
- Yarpturk
- Yaugher
- Yeodene
- Yuulong
With its Mediterranean feel and picture-postcard scenery, this beautiful seaside town has been attracting visitors for more than a century. Set between the waters of Loutit Bay and the cool Otway forests, Lorne has a charm that's hard to surpass. The mild weather superb cafes, unique shops, boutiques and galleries make it one of the Great Ocean Road's most popular holiday destinations. Over 100 years ago the Victorian government declared Lorne an area of 'special significance and natural beauty'. Today visitors still come to enjoy the same natural features. The sheltered 2-kilometre beach is safe and is bordered by lawn, gum trees and picnic and barbecue areas. Discover the Erskine Falls cascading into a beautiful fern gully in the Great Otway National Park. At Cumberland River, a few kilometres south of the town, the scenery is picturesque, with dense bush, a rugged cliff face beside the river, and an idyllic grassed camping and picnicking area. Sip on a cold beer at the local pub, or on the pier where you can watch the fishing fleet unload its catch. Visit the local fishing co-op where you can buy fresh locally caught seafood. Fitness fanatics and lovers of the outdoors flock to the many endurance events held in Lorne each year. The Pier to Pub Swim and the Mountain to Surf Run are both held in January and attract large numbers of competitors. The Great Ocean Road Marathon kicks off in May and the Anaconda Adventure Race in December is a popular way to get the blood pumping. For those who prefer to get their thrills from the raw energy of rock music, The Falls Festival, held every New Year's Eve, is an essential experience. Lorne is 140 kilometres south of Melbourne, approximately a 2-hour drive. Travel by car via the Great Ocean Road. Daily coach services are available from Melbourne or rail/coach services via Geelong.
Lorne Map