Jarrahdale Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Jarrahdale
- Bannister
- Bannister North
- Barragup
- Boddington
- Bouvard
- Challenger
- Coodanup
- Cookernup
- Cooloongup
- Coolup
- Crossman
- Dawesville
- Dudley Park
- Dwarda
- Dwellingup
- Erskine
- Falcon
- Florida
- Furnissdale
- Garden Island
- Goegrup
- Golden Bay
- Greenfields
- Halls Head
- Hamel
- Herron
- Hillman
- Karnet
- Karnup
- Keysbrook
- Kubbine
- Lake Clifton
- Lakelands
- Lancelin
- Madora
- Mandurah
- Mandurah East
- Mandurah North
- Mandurah South
- Mardella
- Marradong
- Marrinup
- Meadow Springs
- Meelon
- Middle Swan
- Mundaring
- North Bannister
- North Dandalup
- North Yunderup
- Palm Beach
- Parklands
- Peron
- Pinjarra
- Point Peron
- Port Kennedy
- Preston Beach
- Pumphreys
- Quindanning
- Ravenswood
- Regional West Australia
- Rockingham
- Rockingham Beach
- Safety Bay
- San Remo
- Secret Harbour
- Serpentine
- Shoalwater
- Silver Sands
- Singleton
- South Yunderup
- Stake Hill
- Wagerup
- Waikiki
- Wandering
- Warnbro
- Westdale
- Yalgorup
- Yarloop
- Yunderup
Only thirty minutes southeast of Perth, the area around Jarrahdale includes some of Western Australia's most popular parks, art galleries, restaurants, wineries and wildlife. The breathtaking scenery within the many forests, parks, rivers, and other natural attractions offers the perfect location for a traditional Australian barbecue or bushwalk. The area is a true depiction of Western Australia's country lifestyle with many farms, orchards and historic country towns. Some of the old buildings house heritage and museum collections, arts and crafts and tea gardens. This spectacular rural setting has inspired many artists to establish their homes and studios in the area. Jarrahdale was Western Australia's first timber town in 1872 and was recently classified by the National Trust. It is a picturesque, historic town with numerous old timber cottages surrounded by forest. There are many beautiful walk trails through the area, and delightful picnic spots in Gooralong and Langford Parks. Tourist information, walk maps and arts and crafts are available at the Old Post Office/Museum, open weekends and public holidays. Bed and breakfast and chalet accommodation is available or, for something different, there are modified and restored railway carriages sleeping two or four people. Tavern, general store, fine dining and cafe food is available.
Jarrahdale Map