Safety Bay Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Safety Bay
- Bannister
- Bannister North
- Barragup
- Boddington
- Bouvard
- Challenger
- Coodanup
- Cookernup
- Cooloongup
- Coolup
- Crossman
- Dawesville
- Dudley Park
- Dwarda
- Dwellingup
- Erskine
- Falcon
- Florida
- Furnissdale
- Garden Island
- Goegrup
- Golden Bay
- Greenfields
- Halls Head
- Hamel
- Herron
- Hillman
- Jarrahdale
- Karnet
- Karnup
- Keysbrook
- Kubbine
- Lake Clifton
- Lakelands
- Lancelin
- Madora
- Mandurah
- Mandurah East
- Mandurah North
- Mandurah South
- Mardella
- Marradong
- Marrinup
- Meadow Springs
- Meelon
- Middle Swan
- Mundaring
- North Bannister
- North Dandalup
- North Yunderup
- Palm Beach
- Parklands
- Peron
- Pinjarra
- Point Peron
- Port Kennedy
- Preston Beach
- Pumphreys
- Quindanning
- Ravenswood
- Regional West Australia
- Rockingham
- Rockingham Beach
- San Remo
- Secret Harbour
- Serpentine
- Shoalwater
- Silver Sands
- Singleton
- South Yunderup
- Stake Hill
- Wagerup
- Waikiki
- Wandering
- Warnbro
- Westdale
- Yalgorup
- Yarloop
- Yunderup
Safety Bay
Just an hours drive south of Perth, situated on the sparkling waters of Warnbro Sound, lays Safety Bay. Safety Bay is popular for diving and has its own dive park which is located off the coast of Rockingham 45 kilometres south of Perth. The Saxon Ranger, which is a 400 tone former fishing vessel, which has been sunk as a dive wreck. The Saxon lies in 25 metres of water amongst other sunken wrecks on the seabed floor of the dive park, recreational dive permits must be purchased to dive the Saxon Ranger and can be purchased at the Rockingham Visitor Centre. Safety Bay also provides great beaches for surfing, fishing, spear fishing and excellent swimming with safe shallow beaches. Penguin Island, about a kilometre off shore from Safety Bay is home to about 1200 fairy penguins. The best time to visit is from mid September to early June. The island is closed for the rest of the year to protect the breeding penguins from disturbance. There are also many venues for dining out, from fast food to alfresco and fine dining. The nearby town of Rockingham has a large variety of accommodation, from beach side villas to caravan parks which can all be booked at the Rockingham Visitor Centre, located at 43 Kent Street, Rockingham.
Safety Bay Map