Port Kennedy Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Port Kennedy
- Bannister
- Bannister North
- Barragup
- Boddington
- Bouvard
- Challenger
- Coodanup
- Cookernup
- Cooloongup
- Coolup
- Crossman
- Dawesville
- Dudley Park
- Dwarda
- Dwellingup
- Erskine
- Falcon
- Florida
- Furnissdale
- Garden Island
- Goegrup
- Golden Bay
- Greenfields
- Halls Head
- Hamel
- Herron
- Hillman
- Jarrahdale
- Karnet
- Karnup
- Keysbrook
- Kubbine
- Lake Clifton
- Lakelands
- Lancelin
- Madora
- Mandurah
- Mandurah East
- Mandurah North
- Mandurah South
- Mardella
- Marradong
- Marrinup
- Meadow Springs
- Meelon
- Middle Swan
- Mundaring
- North Bannister
- North Dandalup
- North Yunderup
- Palm Beach
- Parklands
- Peron
- Pinjarra
- Point Peron
- Preston Beach
- Pumphreys
- Quindanning
- Ravenswood
- Regional West Australia
- Rockingham
- Rockingham Beach
- Safety Bay
- San Remo
- Secret Harbour
- Serpentine
- Shoalwater
- Silver Sands
- Singleton
- South Yunderup
- Stake Hill
- Wagerup
- Waikiki
- Wandering
- Warnbro
- Westdale
- Yalgorup
- Yarloop
- Yunderup
Port Kennedy
Port Kennedy is located an hours drive south of Perth City centre and is fifteen minutes south of Rockingham. To take the coastal drive which gives visitors the opportunity to leave the highway take route 202, follow Rockingham's very scenic coastline before rejoining highway one. If you like the slower pace a walk around Lake Richmond and the Environmental Centre where many interesting plants, birds and other wildlife can be seen. A self guided walk (with brochure) starts at the observation platform. You can also go swimming, water skiing or fishing in the nearby beaches and estuaries, watch dolphins play off the coast, or take a walk through the sandy dunes to the clean beaches or parks within the area. The town of Rockingham has a large variety of accommodation, from beach side villas to caravan parks. There are also many venues for dinning out, from fast food to alfresco fine dining.
Port Kennedy Map