Waikiki Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Waikiki
- Bannister
- Bannister North
- Barragup
- Boddington
- Bouvard
- Challenger
- Coodanup
- Cookernup
- Cooloongup
- Coolup
- Crossman
- Dawesville
- Dudley Park
- Dwarda
- Dwellingup
- Erskine
- Falcon
- Florida
- Furnissdale
- Garden Island
- Goegrup
- Golden Bay
- Greenfields
- Halls Head
- Hamel
- Herron
- Hillman
- Jarrahdale
- Karnet
- Karnup
- Keysbrook
- Kubbine
- Lake Clifton
- Lakelands
- Lancelin
- Madora
- Mandurah
- Mandurah East
- Mandurah North
- Mandurah South
- Mardella
- Marradong
- Marrinup
- Meadow Springs
- Meelon
- Middle Swan
- Mundaring
- North Bannister
- North Dandalup
- North Yunderup
- Palm Beach
- Parklands
- Peron
- Pinjarra
- Point Peron
- Port Kennedy
- Preston Beach
- Pumphreys
- Quindanning
- Ravenswood
- Regional West Australia
- Rockingham
- Rockingham Beach
- Safety Bay
- San Remo
- Secret Harbour
- Serpentine
- Shoalwater
- Silver Sands
- Singleton
- South Yunderup
- Stake Hill
- Wagerup
- Wandering
- Warnbro
- Westdale
- Yalgorup
- Yarloop
- Yunderup
Waikiki is situated on the sparkling waters of Warnbro Sound, just south of Rockingham or an hours drive south of Perth. Sailing is popular from Warnbo Sound and the calm waters also make it a popular spot for water-skiers, windsurfers and power boating enthusiasts. The island and reefs are excellent for fishing and scuba diving. There are safe, clean, sandy beaches, shady parks with barbecue facilities with children's playground equipment. Wild dolphins are frequently seen from the shore.
Waikiki Map