Meandarra Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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Meandarra is the hub of a prime production area of grain, cattle, and sheep and is the location of a popular fishing and camping spot. Meandarra is considered the cultural centre of the Tara area, with the historic School of Arts Hall, local artists and hand-crafts. This community has the largest store facilities for Queensland grown wheat, with harvesting from mid-October to mid-November. Brigalow Creek is well known for its water-lilies and fishing for golden perch and jewfish. Camping is permitted on the creek. Meandarra is home to an extensive display of military equipment. The fascinating display is on a modern broad acre, dry land farming and grazing property with cereal crop production and beef cattle. Also on-site, a native wildlife preservation programme offers excellent opportunities to observe and photograph a diverse range of flora and fauna. Stop off at the Leo Gardon Apex Park where free electric barbecues and picnic facilities offer pleasant surrounds.

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