Toowoomba Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places in Toowoomba
- Acland
- Amby
- Amiens
- Anduramba
- Aubigny
- Ballandean
- Ballard
- Bell
- Benarkin
- Blackbutt
- Blaxland
- Bongeen
- Boonarga
- Bowenville
- Brigalow
- Brooklands
- Brookstead
- Bungunya
- Burncluith
- Byee
- Cabarlah
- Cambooya
- Carnarvon Gorge
- Carnarvon National Park
- Cawdor
- Cecil Plains
- Cement Mills
- Centenary Heights
- Clifton
- Cloyna
- Coalbank
- Columboola
- Condamine
- Coolabunia
- Cooranga North
- Cooyar
- Cranley
- Crownthorpe
- Crows Nest
- Cunningham
- Cushnie
- Daandine
- Darling Heights
- Derrymore
- Dirranbandi
- Djuan
- Drayton
- Drayton North
- Drillham
- Dulacca
- Durong South
- East Toowoomba
- Ellesmere
- Emu Creek
- Felton East
- Flagstone Creek
- Glen Aplin
- Glenmorgan
- Glenvale
- Goodger
- Goombungee
- Gordonbrook
- Gore
- Gowrie
- Gowrie Junction
- Greenmount
- Greenview
- Guluguba
- Haden
- Hampton
- Harlaxton
- Harristown
- Hebel
- Helidon
- Hirstglen
- Hivesville
- Hodgson Vale
- Injune
- Irvingdale
- Jackson
- Jandowae
- Jimbour
- Jondaryan
- Jones Gully
- Kaimkillenbun
- Karara
- Kearneys Spring
- Kingsthorpe
- Kinleymore
- Kleinton
- Kogan
- Kulpi
- Kumbia
- Kupunn
- Leyburn
- Lilydale
- Limevale
- Lockyer
- Macalister
- Maclagan
- Maidenwell
- Meandarra
- Memerambi
- Meringandan
- Middle Ridge
- Miles
- Mondure
- Moonie
- Mount Kynoch
- Mount Lofty
- Mount Tyson
- Muckadilla
- Mungallala
- Murphys Creek
- Nobby
- Oman-ama
- Peranga
- Picnic Point
- Pilton
- Pinelands
- Pirrinuan
- Pittsworth
- Plainby
- Postmans Ridge
- Pratten
- Preston
- Prince Henry Heights
- Proston
- Quinalow
- Rangeville
- Redwood
- Rockville
- Southbrook
- Speedwell
- Spring Bluff
- Stalworth
- Stockyard
- Surat
- Sylvia Vale
- Talwood
- Tarong
- Taroom
- Thallon
- The Gums
- Tingoora
- Toowoomba East
- Toowoomba South
- Toowoomba West
- Upper Lockyer
- Wallumbilla
- Wandoan
- Warra
- Wellcamp
- Westbrook
- Wilsonton
- Windera
- Withcott
- Wooroolin
- Wyreema
- Yamsion
- Yarraman
- Yelarbon
- Yuleba
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Toowoomba is a great city to shop ‘til you drop, dine late and discover the best things in life. It is a treasure-trove of tradition and culture.
Crowning the edge of the Great Dividing Range 800 metres above sea level, Toowoomba is renowned for its architecture and open spaces that overlook the Lockyer Valley. One of city’s famous vantage points is Picnic Point, from where you can explore the graded walks along the range escarpment, or sit back, relax and take in the view.
Toowoomba really is Queensland’s Garden City, with more than 240 public parks and gardens. In spring the city celebrates with its Carnival of Flowers, held each year in the last full week of September.
From March to May mellow tints of red and gold mark the Autumn Showing, when you can enjoy a carriage ride through Queens Park amongst the blanket of fallen oak and willow leaves.
Toowoomba’s history has been preserved in its buildings. The magnificently restored art deco Empire Theatre attracts regular performances.
A well signposted drive for visitors will take you past the city’s finest architecture, including City Hall, the National Trust Royal Bull’s Head Inn and ‘Heritage Street’, Russell Street. A visit to the Cobb and Co Museum is a must as it houses Australia’s largest collection of horse-drawn vehicles. Garden-lovers will be kept busy exploring the city’s internationally themed gardens – the University of Southern Queensland’s Japanese Gardens, the Wetlands of the World and the New Zealand-themed park at Lake Annand. If you favour a stroll among the flowers, visit the meticulously tended Botanic Gardens at Queens Park.
Take time out to smell the flowers in Laurel Bank Park.
Toowoomba Map