Abermain Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Abermain
- Aberdeen
- Aberglasslyn
- Abernethy
- Alison
- Allandale
- Allynbrook
- Antiene
- Apple Tree Flat
- Arcadia Vale
- Ardglen
- Ashtonfield
- Baerami
- Baerami Creek
- Bandon Grove
- Barrington Tops
- Belford
- Bellbird
- Bendolba
- Berry Park
- Bishops Bridge
- Black Hill
- Blandford
- Bolwarra
- Bolwarra Heights
- Borambil
- Boree
- Bow
- Bowmans Creek
- Branxton
- Broke
- Brookfield
- Brunkerville
- Buchanan
- Bucketty
- Bulga
- Bunnan
- Bureen
- Buttai
- Bylong
- Camberwell
- Carrowbrook
- Cassilis
- Castle Rock
- Cessnock
- Cessnock West
- Chichester
- Clarence Town
- Congewai
- Cooranbong
- Coulsons Creek
- Craven
- Dalwood
- Dangarfield
- Dartbrook
- Davis Creek
- Dawsons Hill
- Dellhurst
- Denman
- Doyles Creek
- Duckenfield
- Dungog
- Dunolly
- Dusodie
- East Gresford
- East Greta
- East Maitland
- Eccleston
- Elderslie
- Ellalong
- Ellerston
- Falbrook
- Farley
- Fordwich
- Freemans Waterhole
- Glen Gallic
- Glen Oak
- Glen William
- Glendon Brook
- Glennies Creek
- Goorangoola
- Gosforth
- Gouldsville
- Greenland
- Gresford
- Greta
- Greta Main
- Gundy
- Gungal
- Halton
- Hebden
- Heddon Greta
- Highfields
- Hilldale
- Hinton
- Hollydeen
- Horseshoe Bend
- Howes Valley
- Hunter Valley
- Ingar
- Iona
- Jerrys Plains
- Kankool
- Kars Springs
- Kayuga
- Kearsley
- Keinbah
- Kerrabee
- Kitchener
- Kurri Kurri
- Laguna
- Lambs Valley
- Largs
- Lemington
- Lewinsbrook
- Liddell
- Lochinvar
- Lorn
- Lostock
- Louth Park
- Lovedale
- Lower Belford
- Loxford
- Luskintyre
- Main Creek
- Maitland
- Maitland Vale
- Mandalong
- Mangoola
- Manobalai
- Marshdale
- Martindale
- Martins Creek
- Martinsville
- Mccullys Gap
- Melville
- Merriwa
- Metford
- Middle Falbrook
- Milbrodale
- Millers Forest
- Millfield
- Mirannie
- Mirrabooka
- Monkerai
- Moonan Brook
- Moonan Flat
- Mootai
- Morisset
- Morisset East
- Morisset Park
- Morpeth
- Mount Dee
- Mount Olive
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Rivers
- Mount Thorley
- Mount View
- Mount Vincent
- Mulbring
- Murrurundi
- Muscle Creek
- Muswellbrook
- Myambat
- Myuna Bay
- Neath
- Nelsons Plains
- North Rothbury
- Nr Gresford
- Nulkaba
- Oakhampton
- Oswald
- Owens Gap
- Parkville
- Paterson
- Paxton
- Paynes Crossing
- Pelaw Main
- Pelton
- Phoenix Park
- Pokolbin
- Putty
- Quorrobolong
- Ravensworth
- Raworth
- Rosebrook
- Rothbury
- Rouchel Brook
- Rutherford
- Ryhope
- Salisbury
- Sandy Hollow
- Satur
- Sawyers Gully
- Scone
- Scotts Flat
- Seaham
- Seaham East
- Seahampton
- Sedgefield
- Segenhoe
- Singleton
- Singleton Heights
- St Albans
- Stanford Merthyr
- Stanhope
- Stockrington
- Summerland Point
- Sunshine
- Sweetmans Creek
- Telarah
- Tenambit
- Timor
- Torryburn
- Underbank
- Upper Rouchel
- Vacy
- Wallalong
- Wallarobba
- Wards River
- Warkworth
- Warrah Creek
- Watagan
- Weismantels
- Westbrook
- Weston
- Whittingham
- Widden
- Willow Tree
- Windermere Park
- Wingen
- Wirragulla
- Wollar
- Wollombi
- Woodville
- Woolooma
- Wybong
- Wyee Point
- Yallambie
- Yango
- Yarrawonga Park
The name of Sir Edgeworth David, who at the age of 50 partnered Douglas Mawson and Scottish surgeon Alistair Mackay on an epic, 2028 kilometre Antarctic traverse to the magnetic south pole in 1909, means a lot to the people of the small Hunter Valley mining town of Abermain. They remember him not so much for his Antarctic exploits, but as the Sydney University geologist who in 1897 uncovered the rich Greta coal seam on which the town and its miners depended for so many years. His name lives on in Abermain in a park and a monument unveiled to his memory in 2000.
In the best of mining traditions, Abermain boasts a School of Arts and an Eisteddfod Hall. The region was the first in NSW to provide a regular supply of coal for the fledgling colony of Sydney and villages such as Abermain, Adamstown, Carrington, Cardiff, Charlestown, Hamilton, Merewether, New Lambton, Stockton, Wallsend and Waratah, which are now suburbs of greater Newcastle, sprung up at pitheads.
Great deals on hotels in Hunter Valley...
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Chateau Elan Hunter Valley - Rothbury ![]() ![]() From: A$318 More Info... |
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Hunter Valley Resort + Farm - Pokolbin ![]() ![]() From: A$249 More Info... |
Spicers Guesthouse - Pokolbin ![]() ![]() From: A$522 More Info... |
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Spicers Vineyards Estate - Pokolbin ![]() ![]() From: A$630 More Info... |
Abermain Map