Dungog Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Dungog
- Aberdeen
- Aberglasslyn
- Abermain
- Abernethy
- Alison
- Allandale
- Allynbrook
- Antiene
- Apple Tree Flat
- Arcadia Vale
- Ardglen
- Ashtonfield
- Baerami
- Baerami Creek
- Bandon Grove
- Barrington Tops
- Belford
- Bellbird
- Bendolba
- Berry Park
- Bishops Bridge
- Black Hill
- Blandford
- Bolwarra
- Bolwarra Heights
- Borambil
- Boree
- Bow
- Bowmans Creek
- Branxton
- Broke
- Brookfield
- Brunkerville
- Buchanan
- Bucketty
- Bulga
- Bunnan
- Bureen
- Buttai
- Bylong
- Camberwell
- Carrowbrook
- Cassilis
- Castle Rock
- Cessnock
- Cessnock West
- Chichester
- Clarence Town
- Congewai
- Cooranbong
- Coulsons Creek
- Craven
- Dalwood
- Dangarfield
- Dartbrook
- Davis Creek
- Dawsons Hill
- Dellhurst
- Denman
- Doyles Creek
- Duckenfield
- Dunolly
- Dusodie
- East Gresford
- East Greta
- East Maitland
- Eccleston
- Elderslie
- Ellalong
- Ellerston
- Falbrook
- Farley
- Fordwich
- Freemans Waterhole
- Glen Gallic
- Glen Oak
- Glen William
- Glendon Brook
- Glennies Creek
- Goorangoola
- Gosforth
- Gouldsville
- Greenland
- Gresford
- Greta
- Greta Main
- Gundy
- Gungal
- Halton
- Hebden
- Heddon Greta
- Highfields
- Hilldale
- Hinton
- Hollydeen
- Horseshoe Bend
- Howes Valley
- Hunter Valley
- Ingar
- Iona
- Jerrys Plains
- Kankool
- Kars Springs
- Kayuga
- Kearsley
- Keinbah
- Kerrabee
- Kitchener
- Kurri Kurri
- Laguna
- Lambs Valley
- Largs
- Lemington
- Lewinsbrook
- Liddell
- Lochinvar
- Lorn
- Lostock
- Louth Park
- Lovedale
- Lower Belford
- Loxford
- Luskintyre
- Main Creek
- Maitland
- Maitland Vale
- Mandalong
- Mangoola
- Manobalai
- Marshdale
- Martindale
- Martins Creek
- Martinsville
- Mccullys Gap
- Melville
- Merriwa
- Metford
- Middle Falbrook
- Milbrodale
- Millers Forest
- Millfield
- Mirannie
- Mirrabooka
- Monkerai
- Moonan Brook
- Moonan Flat
- Mootai
- Morisset
- Morisset East
- Morisset Park
- Morpeth
- Mount Dee
- Mount Olive
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Rivers
- Mount Thorley
- Mount View
- Mount Vincent
- Mulbring
- Murrurundi
- Muscle Creek
- Muswellbrook
- Myambat
- Myuna Bay
- Neath
- Nelsons Plains
- North Rothbury
- Nr Gresford
- Nulkaba
- Oakhampton
- Oswald
- Owens Gap
- Parkville
- Paterson
- Paxton
- Paynes Crossing
- Pelaw Main
- Pelton
- Phoenix Park
- Pokolbin
- Putty
- Quorrobolong
- Ravensworth
- Raworth
- Rosebrook
- Rothbury
- Rouchel Brook
- Rutherford
- Ryhope
- Salisbury
- Sandy Hollow
- Satur
- Sawyers Gully
- Scone
- Scotts Flat
- Seaham
- Seaham East
- Seahampton
- Sedgefield
- Segenhoe
- Singleton
- Singleton Heights
- St Albans
- Stanford Merthyr
- Stanhope
- Stockrington
- Summerland Point
- Sunshine
- Sweetmans Creek
- Telarah
- Tenambit
- Timor
- Torryburn
- Underbank
- Upper Rouchel
- Vacy
- Wallalong
- Wallarobba
- Wards River
- Warkworth
- Warrah Creek
- Watagan
- Weismantels
- Westbrook
- Weston
- Whittingham
- Widden
- Willow Tree
- Windermere Park
- Wingen
- Wirragulla
- Wollar
- Wollombi
- Woodville
- Woolooma
- Wybong
- Wyee Point
- Yallambie
- Yango
- Yarrawonga Park
It is from these beautiful hills that the name Dungog, 'A Place of Thinly Wooded Hills' was derived. The hills are at their most striking in the early morning or the evening when the light casts long shadows from the trees and mist hangs in the valleys. Dungog first settled in the 1820's is two and a half hours easy drive from Sydney. With its wide streets and country charm it is the shopping and business centre for a thriving community based on beef cattle, controlled logging of hardwoods, dairying, deer farming and tourism. Welcome to the clean air and rolling landscape of the Barrington Tops and foothills. Here there is everything from the charisma of busy little towns to the working vistas of an active farming community and the marvellous wilderness of sub-tropical rainforests. Real country flavour beyond the towns the main roads meander, wooden bridges rattle, herds of cows pass to and from milking, gnarled trees line the way and galahs and rosellas flash their colour in flight. Often there is an alternative route, a gravel road perhaps, to make a round trip, maybe through the forest or criss-crossing creeks and spurs where dogs stare from a farm gate and the kids are out on horses. World-class wilderness most of Barrington Tops will always be forest, protected as State Forest and National Park, and with pristine regions designated Wilderness Areas and listed under World Heritage legislation. There is wide diversity, from vigorous regrowth stands of tall straight eucalypts, to ancient beech forest pure and undisturbed. There is rich sub-tropical rainforest in the lowland gullies, and twisted, stunted snowgums on the high plains. Immersed in nature through the forest there are tracks for mountain-bikers, horse riders and four-wheel drives. There are sites that are idyllic for bush campers. There are crystal-clear streams with sparkling waterfalls and pools where people might have swum for 40,000 years. And if you know your plants you'll find the food that was the mainstay for the Aboriginal people when only they were here: native grape, yam, crabapple, matrush, tamarind and other native plants.
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Dungog Map