Paxton Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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Places nearby Paxton


About 11km south-west of Cessnock in the Hunter Valley west of Newcastle - the renowned wine and horse stud region - Paxton gives easy access to the delights of this sophisticated part of the world. There are world-class wineries in abundance, great restaurants and cafes, along with art and craft galleries. And then there are the manicured studs that continue to produce much of the cream of Australia's race tracks. You can inspect most of the larger wineries and quite a few of the horse studs.

Paxton lies about midway between the coal city of Cessnock and historic Wollombi, staging post in the days when Cobb & Co plied the old north road. The village of Paxton developed round the pithead of Stainford Main No 2 Colliery.

A turn to the right at the top of a hill just beyond the Paxton Hotel on the road north-east to Ellalong takes you into the Congewai Valley which was once the personal domain of settler Thomas Crawford. Beyond Ellalong, the road which skirts the Aberdare State Forest on the loop back to the Wollombi Road presents views across the Ellalong Swamp to the Watagan Mountains.

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