Traralgon Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Traralgon
- Aberfeldy
- Airly
- Alberton
- Allambee
- Allambee South
- Almurta
- Anderson
- Arawata
- Archies Creek
- Athlone
- Balook
- Barry Beach
- Bass
- Baw Baw
- Bayles
- Beardmore
- Bena
- Bennison
- Berrys Creek
- Binginwarri
- Blackwarry
- Blackwood Forest
- Boisdale
- Bonnie Brae
- Boolarong
- Boolarra
- Boys
- Brandy Creek
- Briagolong
- Budgeree East
- Buffalo
- Bull Swamp
- Buln Buln
- Bundalaguah
- Bunyip
- Bunyip North
- Burndale
- Bushy Park
- Caldermeade
- Callignee
- Calrossie
- Cape Paterson
- Cape Woolamai
- Cardinia
- Carmichael
- Carrajung
- Carrajung South
- Catani
- Cherrilong
- Childers
- Christies
- Churchill
- Cloverlea
- Clydebank
- Coalville
- Cobains
- Connors Plain
- Coongulla
- Coopers Creek
- Cora Lynn
- Corinella
- Coronet Bay
- Cowes
- Cowwarr
- Crossover
- Culloden
- Cypress Grove
- Dalmore
- Dalyston
- Darlimurla
- Darnum
- Darriman
- Dawson
- Delburn
- Denison
- Devon North
- Dollar
- Driffield
- Drouin
- Drouin East
- Drouin West
- Dudley South
- Dumbalk
- Dutson
- Ellerside
- Ellinbank
- Erica
- Fairbank
- Ferndale
- Fish Creek
- Flynn
- Flynns Creek
- Foster
- Foster North
- French Island
- Fulham
- Fumina
- Gaffneys Creek
- Gainsborough
- Garfield
- Gelliondale
- Giffard
- Giffard West
- Glen Alvie
- Glen Forbes
- Glengarry
- Glenmaggie
- Gormandale
- Grantville
- Greenmount
- Gunyah Gunyah
- Guthridge
- Hallora
- Hallston
- Harmers Haven
- Hazel Park
- Hazelwood North
- Heath Hill
- Hedley
- Hernes Oak
- Heyfield
- Hiamdale
- Hiawatha
- Hicksborough
- Hill End
- Hoddle
- Hunterston
- Icy Creek
- Inverloch
- Iona
- Jack River
- Jeeralang
- Jeetho
- Jericho
- Jindivick
- Jumbuk
- Jumbunna
- Kardella
- Kardella South
- Kernot
- Kilcunda
- Kilmany
- Kongwak
- Koo Wee Rup
- Koo-wee-rup
- Koonwarra
- Koornalla
- Korrine
- Korumburra
- Krowera
- Labertouche
- Lance Creek
- Lang Lang
- Lardner
- Le Roy
- Leongatha
- Licola
- Lillico
- Limonite
- Livingstone
- Llowalong
- Loch
- Loch Valley
- Longford
- Longwarry
- Longwarry North
- Macks Creek
- Madalya
- Maffra
- Manns Beach
- Mardan
- Maryknoll
- Matlock
- Mcloughlins Beach
- Meeniyan
- Mewburn Park
- Mirboo
- Mirboo East
- Mirboo North
- Modella
- Moe
- Moe-Yallourn
- Monomeith
- Montgomery
- Moondarra
- Morwell
- Morwell East
- Mount Baw Baw
- Mount Best
- Mount Eccles
- Mountain View
- Moyarra
- Mt Baw Baw
- Munro
- Myrtlebank
- Nambrok
- Narracan
- Nayook
- Neerim
- Neerim East
- Neerim Junction
- Neerim North
- Neerim South
- Nerrena
- Nerrena East
- Newborough
- Newborough East
- Newhaven
- Newry
- Nilma
- Noojee
- Nyora
- Outtrim
- Parkers Corner
- Perry Bridge
- Phillip Island
- Piedmont
- Poowong
- Port Albert
- Port Franklin
- Port Welshpool
- Pound Creek
- Powlett River
- Proctors
- Queensferry
- Ranceby
- Rawson
- Red Jacket
- Rhyll
- Ripplebrook
- Riverslea
- Robertsons Beach
- Robin Hood
- Rokeby
- Rosedale
- Ruby
- Ryanston
- Ryton
- Sale
- Sale North
- Sale West
- San Remo
- Sandy Point
- Seaspray
- Seaton
- Seaview
- Shady Creek
- Smiths Beach
- St Helier
- Staceys Bridge
- Stockdale
- Stony Creek
- Stradbroke
- Stratford
- Strzelecki
- Tanjil Bren
- Tanjil South
- Tankerton
- Tarago
- Tarra Valley
- Tarraville
- Tarwin
- Tarwin East
- Tarwin Lower
- The Gurdies
- The Heart
- Thorpdale
- Thorpdale South
- Tidal River
- Tinamba
- Tonimbuk
- Toongabbie
- Toora
- Tooradin
- Topiram
- Trafalgar
- Trida
- Turtons Creek
- Tyers
- Tyers Junction
- Upper Morwell
- Valencia Creek
- Valley View
- Ventnor
- Venus Bay
- Vervale
- Vesper
- Walhalla
- Walkerville
- Walkerville North
- Walkerville South
- Waratah Bay
- Waratah North
- Warragul
- Wattle Bank
- Welshpool
- West Creek
- Westbury
- Whitelaw
- Willow Grove
- Willung
- Willung South
- Wilsons Promontory
- Winnindoo
- Womerah
- Won Wron
- Wonga
- Wonthaggi
- Wonyip
- Woods Point
- Woodside
- Woodside Beach
- Woolamai
- Woolamai Waters
- Woorarra
- Woorarra West
- Wooreen
- Wurruk
- Yallourn North
- Yanakie
- Yannathan
- Yarragon
- Yarram
- Yinnar
Whether it's a thriving regional centre you are seeking or a base for a whole host of nature based activities, Traralgon has plenty to offer. The Gippsland town was a resting place for drovers during the gold rush, and today has grown to service the surrounding energy, agricultural, pastoral, papermaking and timber industries. Visitors now find it the perfect base for exploring the nearby Strzelecki Ranges and cool temperate rainforests of the Tarra Bulga National Park. Another boon for visitors is Traralgon's standing as the entertainment capital of the Latrobe Valley. Enjoy alfresco dining and great shopping by day and excellent pubs and clubs by night. Sidewalk cafes, restaurants and shopping arcades mark the commercial centre of Traralgon and there is also a string of bars, pubs and clubs in the town hosting an array of live bands and entertainment. You can even take in a musical or comedy act at the Latrobe Performing Arts Centre. A favourite destination for picnickers is Victory Park with its marble sculpture Lars Compatalis, historic band rotunda and beautiful gardens. A stroll over the creek along the footbridge leads to Newman Park featuring a huge adventure playground including miniature train rides operating on the fourth Sunday of every month. Try your hand at a round of golf at Traralgon Golf Club or visit the Zanella Estate winery. For the more adventurous, visit the Latrobe Regional Airport to experience the thrill of sky diving and gliding or a scenic flight over the Gippsland region. Take a guided tour of the Loy Yang Open Cut Mine and Power Station south-east of Traralgon, one of Australia's largest engineering projects. Traralgon is approximately two hours' drive from Melbourne on the Princes Highway.
Traralgon Map