Battery Point Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Battery Point
- Acton
- Adventure Bay
- Allens Rivulet
- Alonnah
- Andover
- Antill Ponds
- Apsley
- Austins Ferry
- Baden
- Bagdad
- Barnes Bay
- Barretta
- Bellerive
- Berriedale
- Bicheno
- Birchs Bay
- Black Hills
- Blackmans Bay
- Bonnet Hill
- Bothwell
- Boyer
- Bream Creek
- Bridgewater
- Brighton
- Broadmarsh
- Brooks Bay
- Bruny Island
- Buckland
- Bushy Park
- Cairns Bay
- Cambridge
- Campania
- Carlton
- Carlton Beach
- Cascades
- Castle Forbes Bay
- Catamaran
- Chigwell
- Claremont
- Clarence
- Clarendon Vale
- Clifton Beach
- Cloudy Bay
- Colebrook
- Coles Bay
- Collins Cap
- Collinsvale
- Coningham
- Connellys Marsh
- Copping
- Cornelian Bay
- Crabtree
- Cradoc
- Cranbrook
- Cremorne
- Cygnet
- Deep Bay
- Dennes Point
- Derwent Laken
- Derwent Park
- Dodges Ferry
- Domain
- Double Creek
- Dover
- Dowsing Point
- Dromedary
- Dulcot
- Dunalley
- Dynnyrne
- Dysart
- Eaglehawk Neck
- East Risdon
- Eggs And Bacon Bay
- Elderslie
- Eldon
- Electrona
- Ellendale
- Elwick
- Feilton
- Fentonbury
- Fern Tree
- Flagstaff Gully
- Forcett
- Fort Direction
- Fortescue Bay
- Franklin
- Freycinet National Park
- Gagebrook
- Garden Island Creek
- Gardners Bay
- Geeveston
- Geilston Bay
- Glaziers Bay
- Glebe
- Glen Huon
- Glendevie
- Glenfern
- Glenlusk
- Glenora
- Glenorchy
- Goodwood
- Gordon
- Granton
- Grasstree Hill
- Gretna
- Grove
- Hamilton
- Hastings
- Hayes
- Highcroft
- Hobart
- Hobart Airport
- Howden
- Howrah
- Huntingfield
- Huonville
- Interlaken
- Jericho
- Judbury
- Kaoota
- Karanja
- Kellevie
- Kempton
- Kettering
- Killora
- Kingston
- Kingston Beach
- Koonya
- Lachlan
- Lake Leake
- Lauderdale
- Lemont
- Lenah Valley
- Leslie Vale
- Levendale
- Lewisham
- Lindisfarne
- Little Swanport
- Llandaff
- Lollara
- Longley
- Longley Lower
- Lonnavale
- Louisville
- Lowdina
- Lower Marshes
- Lower Sandy Bay
- Lucaston
- Lunawanna
- Lune River
- Lutana
- Lymington
- Macquarie Plains
- Magra
- Malbina
- Mangalore
- Margate
- Maria Island
- Maydena
- Melton Mowbray
- Merton
- Middleton
- Midway Point
- Molesworth
- Mona Vale
- Montagu Bay
- Montrose
- Moogara
- Moonah
- Moonah West
- Mornington
- Mount Field
- Mount Lloyd
- Mount Nelson
- Mount Seymour
- Mount Stuart
- Mountain River
- Murdunna
- Nala
- National Park
- Neika
- New Norfolk
- New Town
- New Town Bay
- Newtown
- Nicholls Rivulet
- Nierinna
- North Hobart
- Nubeena
- Nugent
- Oakdowns
- Oakwood
- Oatlands
- Old Beach
- Opossum Bay
- Orford
- Orielton
- Otago
- Ouse
- Oyster Cove
- Parattah
- Park Beach
- Pawleena
- Pawtella
- Pelham
- Pelverata
- Penna
- Petcheys Bay
- Plenty
- Police Point
- Pontville
- Port Arthur
- Port Huon
- Premaydena
- Primrose Sands
- Prince Of Wales Bay
- Radnor
- Raminea
- Randalls Bay
- Ranelagh
- Ravensdale
- Regional TAS
- Rekuna
- Rheban
- Rhyndaston
- Richmond
- Ridgeway
- Risdon
- Risdon Cove
- Risdon Vale
- Roches Beach
- Rokeby
- Rose Bay
- Rosegarland
- Rosetta
- Rosny
- Rosny Park
- Ross
- Royal George
- Runnymede
- Saltwater River
- Sandfly
- Sandford
- Sandy Bay
- Seven Mile Beach
- Shelly Beach
- Simpsons Bay
- Snug
- Sorell
- Sorell Creek
- Sorrell
- South Arm
- South Hobart
- Southport
- Spring Beach
- Springfield
- Stewarts Bay
- Stonehenge
- Stonor
- Stormlea
- Strathblane
- Surges Bay
- Swansea
- Swanwick
- Taranna
- Taronga
- Taroona
- Tasmania East Coast
- Tea Tree
- Teatree
- Tiberias
- Tinderbox
- Tranmere
- Triabunna
- Tunbridge
- Tunnack
- Upper Woodstock
- Uxbridge
- Verona Sands
- Warrane
- Waterloo
- Wattle Grove
- Wattle Hill
- West Hobart
- Westerway
- White Beach
- Whitefoord
- Woodbridge
- Woodbury
- Woodsdale
- Woodstock
- Yarlington
- York Plains
Battery Point
Battery Point is Hobart's most historic suburb, and is located a short walk from Salamanca Place and the waterfront via Kelly's Steps. Battery Point retains the character of a Cornish fishing village of the last century. It began life as a home for mariners who worked out of Hobart Town, and is still mainly a residential area. Arthurs Circus is a ring of old cottages surrounding the old village green at the heart of Battery Point. The area has several tearooms and restaurants, fine antique shops and plenty of pubs. See the Colonial Museum, Narranya, which exhibits items from everyday 19th century life, from dresses to parasols and china. St. George's Anglican Church (1836), which sits atop the hill and can be seen from other Hobart suburbs, is located in Battery Point. Many of the homes in Battery Point are classified by the National Trust, which conducts walking tours of the area on Saturday mornings.
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