Newtown Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Newtown
- Acton
- Adventure Bay
- Allens Rivulet
- Alonnah
- Andover
- Antill Ponds
- Apsley
- Austins Ferry
- Baden
- Bagdad
- Barnes Bay
- Barretta
- Battery Point
- Bellerive
- Berriedale
- Bicheno
- Birchs Bay
- Black Hills
- Blackmans Bay
- Bonnet Hill
- Bothwell
- Boyer
- Bream Creek
- Bridgewater
- Brighton
- Broadmarsh
- Brooks Bay
- Bruny Island
- Buckland
- Bushy Park
- Cairns Bay
- Cambridge
- Campania
- Carlton
- Carlton Beach
- Cascades
- Castle Forbes Bay
- Catamaran
- Chigwell
- Claremont
- Clarence
- Clarendon Vale
- Clifton Beach
- Cloudy Bay
- Colebrook
- Coles Bay
- Collins Cap
- Collinsvale
- Coningham
- Connellys Marsh
- Copping
- Cornelian Bay
- Crabtree
- Cradoc
- Cranbrook
- Cremorne
- Cygnet
- Deep Bay
- Dennes Point
- Derwent Laken
- Derwent Park
- Dodges Ferry
- Domain
- Double Creek
- Dover
- Dowsing Point
- Dromedary
- Dulcot
- Dunalley
- Dynnyrne
- Dysart
- Eaglehawk Neck
- East Risdon
- Eggs And Bacon Bay
- Elderslie
- Eldon
- Electrona
- Ellendale
- Elwick
- Feilton
- Fentonbury
- Fern Tree
- Flagstaff Gully
- Forcett
- Fort Direction
- Fortescue Bay
- Franklin
- Freycinet National Park
- Gagebrook
- Garden Island Creek
- Gardners Bay
- Geeveston
- Geilston Bay
- Glaziers Bay
- Glebe
- Glen Huon
- Glendevie
- Glenfern
- Glenlusk
- Glenora
- Glenorchy
- Goodwood
- Gordon
- Granton
- Grasstree Hill
- Gretna
- Grove
- Hamilton
- Hastings
- Hayes
- Highcroft
- Hobart
- Hobart Airport
- Howden
- Howrah
- Huntingfield
- Huonville
- Interlaken
- Jericho
- Judbury
- Kaoota
- Karanja
- Kellevie
- Kempton
- Kettering
- Killora
- Kingston Beach
- Koonya
- Lachlan
- Lake Leake
- Lauderdale
- Lemont
- Lenah Valley
- Leslie Vale
- Levendale
- Lewisham
- Lindisfarne
- Little Swanport
- Llandaff
- Lollara
- Longley
- Longley Lower
- Lonnavale
- Louisville
- Lowdina
- Lower Marshes
- Lower Sandy Bay
- Lucaston
- Lunawanna
- Lune River
- Lutana
- Lymington
- Macquarie Plains
- Magra
- Malbina
- Mangalore
- Margate
- Maria Island
- Maydena
- Melton Mowbray
- Merton
- Middleton
- Midway Point
- Molesworth
- Mona Vale
- Montagu Bay
- Montrose
- Moogara
- Moonah
- Moonah West
- Mornington
- Mount Field
- Mount Lloyd
- Mount Nelson
- Mount Seymour
- Mount Stuart
- Mountain River
- Murdunna
- Nala
- National Park
- Neika
- New Norfolk
- New Town
- New Town Bay
- Nicholls Rivulet
- Nierinna
- North Hobart
- Nubeena
- Nugent
- Oakdowns
- Oakwood
- Oatlands
- Old Beach
- Opossum Bay
- Orford
- Orielton
- Otago
- Ouse
- Oyster Cove
- Parattah
- Park Beach
- Pawleena
- Pawtella
- Pelham
- Pelverata
- Penna
- Petcheys Bay
- Plenty
- Police Point
- Pontville
- Port Arthur
- Port Huon
- Premaydena
- Primrose Sands
- Prince Of Wales Bay
- Radnor
- Raminea
- Randalls Bay
- Ranelagh
- Ravensdale
- Regional TAS
- Rekuna
- Rheban
- Rhyndaston
- Richmond
- Ridgeway
- Risdon
- Risdon Cove
- Risdon Vale
- Roches Beach
- Rokeby
- Rose Bay
- Rosegarland
- Rosetta
- Rosny
- Rosny Park
- Ross
- Royal George
- Runnymede
- Saltwater River
- Sandfly
- Sandford
- Sandy Bay
- Seven Mile Beach
- Shelly Beach
- Simpsons Bay
- Snug
- Sorell
- Sorell Creek
- Sorrell
- South Arm
- South Hobart
- Southport
- Spring Beach
- Springfield
- Stewarts Bay
- Stonehenge
- Stonor
- Stormlea
- Strathblane
- Surges Bay
- Swansea
- Swanwick
- Taranna
- Taronga
- Taroona
- Tasmania East Coast
- Tea Tree
- Teatree
- Tiberias
- Tinderbox
- Tranmere
- Triabunna
- Tunbridge
- Tunnack
- Upper Woodstock
- Uxbridge
- Verona Sands
- Warrane
- Waterloo
- Wattle Grove
- Wattle Hill
- West Hobart
- Westerway
- White Beach
- Whitefoord
- Woodbridge
- Woodbury
- Woodsdale
- Woodstock
- Yarlington
- York Plains
Immerse yourself in Sydney's most eclectic suburb. Newtown's pollinated by the cultures of the world, a place where you can rub shoulders with an astounding diversity of residents, from the scruffbag University of Sydney students to the glam of high fashion followers and everyone in between. New and recycled clothing shops, quirky antique showrooms and eccentric specialty stores line Newtown's streets, welcoming customers round the clock. Post indulging in Newtown's inimitable brand of retail therapy, enjoy entertainment options galore in one of the suburb's swathes of idiosyncratic pubs and theatres. Newtown's unique microcosm is reflected in the suburb's one hundred and twenty restaurants and cafes offering a choice of more than twenty affordable ethnic cuisines. So when hunger strikes you're guaranteed to find somewhere to suit your taste. Newtown Highlights....Sip coffee from a window seat and watch the endless display of diversity as Jimmy Choo and Dr Marten clad feet walk side by side down the street. Enmore Road and South King Street's one-off shops with typically idiosyncratic themes as buttons, beads, retro, tiles, underground records, tribal gifts handbags, gothic garments or dinosaur dolls. Experience Newtown's galleries showcasing cutting edge artwork or go to one of the 20th century antiques stores. Browse through many new and second hand book stores for everything from popular novels to rare first editions. Spend the evening listening to live music at any one of 23 hotels or go to an avant garde performance at one of Newtown's theatres. Discover daring fashion from young up-and-coming designers.
Newtown Map