Bicheno Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Bicheno
- Acton
- Adventure Bay
- Allens Rivulet
- Alonnah
- Andover
- Antill Ponds
- Apsley
- Austins Ferry
- Baden
- Bagdad
- Barnes Bay
- Barretta
- Battery Point
- Bellerive
- Berriedale
- Birchs Bay
- Black Hills
- Blackmans Bay
- Bonnet Hill
- Bothwell
- Boyer
- Bream Creek
- Bridgewater
- Brighton
- Broadmarsh
- Brooks Bay
- Bruny Island
- Buckland
- Bushy Park
- Cairns Bay
- Cambridge
- Campania
- Carlton
- Carlton Beach
- Cascades
- Castle Forbes Bay
- Catamaran
- Chigwell
- Claremont
- Clarence
- Clarendon Vale
- Clifton Beach
- Cloudy Bay
- Colebrook
- Coles Bay
- Collins Cap
- Collinsvale
- Coningham
- Connellys Marsh
- Copping
- Cornelian Bay
- Crabtree
- Cradoc
- Cranbrook
- Cremorne
- Cygnet
- Deep Bay
- Dennes Point
- Derwent Laken
- Derwent Park
- Dodges Ferry
- Domain
- Double Creek
- Dover
- Dowsing Point
- Dromedary
- Dulcot
- Dunalley
- Dynnyrne
- Dysart
- Eaglehawk Neck
- East Risdon
- Eggs And Bacon Bay
- Elderslie
- Eldon
- Electrona
- Ellendale
- Elwick
- Feilton
- Fentonbury
- Fern Tree
- Flagstaff Gully
- Forcett
- Fort Direction
- Fortescue Bay
- Franklin
- Freycinet National Park
- Gagebrook
- Garden Island Creek
- Gardners Bay
- Geeveston
- Geilston Bay
- Glaziers Bay
- Glebe
- Glen Huon
- Glendevie
- Glenfern
- Glenlusk
- Glenora
- Glenorchy
- Goodwood
- Gordon
- Granton
- Grasstree Hill
- Gretna
- Grove
- Hamilton
- Hastings
- Hayes
- Highcroft
- Hobart
- Hobart Airport
- Howden
- Howrah
- Huntingfield
- Huonville
- Interlaken
- Jericho
- Judbury
- Kaoota
- Karanja
- Kellevie
- Kempton
- Kettering
- Killora
- Kingston Beach
- Koonya
- Lachlan
- Lake Leake
- Lauderdale
- Lemont
- Lenah Valley
- Leslie Vale
- Levendale
- Lewisham
- Lindisfarne
- Little Swanport
- Llandaff
- Lollara
- Longley
- Longley Lower
- Lonnavale
- Louisville
- Lowdina
- Lower Marshes
- Lower Sandy Bay
- Lucaston
- Lunawanna
- Lune River
- Lutana
- Lymington
- Macquarie Plains
- Magra
- Malbina
- Mangalore
- Margate
- Maria Island
- Maydena
- Melton Mowbray
- Merton
- Middleton
- Midway Point
- Molesworth
- Mona Vale
- Montagu Bay
- Montrose
- Moogara
- Moonah
- Moonah West
- Mornington
- Mount Field
- Mount Lloyd
- Mount Nelson
- Mount Seymour
- Mount Stuart
- Mountain River
- Murdunna
- Nala
- National Park
- Neika
- New Norfolk
- New Town
- New Town Bay
- Newtown
- Nicholls Rivulet
- Nierinna
- North Hobart
- Nubeena
- Nugent
- Oakdowns
- Oakwood
- Oatlands
- Old Beach
- Opossum Bay
- Orford
- Orielton
- Otago
- Ouse
- Oyster Cove
- Parattah
- Park Beach
- Pawleena
- Pawtella
- Pelham
- Pelverata
- Penna
- Petcheys Bay
- Plenty
- Police Point
- Pontville
- Port Arthur
- Port Huon
- Premaydena
- Primrose Sands
- Prince Of Wales Bay
- Radnor
- Raminea
- Randalls Bay
- Ranelagh
- Ravensdale
- Regional TAS
- Rekuna
- Rheban
- Rhyndaston
- Richmond
- Ridgeway
- Risdon
- Risdon Cove
- Risdon Vale
- Roches Beach
- Rokeby
- Rose Bay
- Rosegarland
- Rosetta
- Rosny
- Rosny Park
- Ross
- Royal George
- Runnymede
- Saltwater River
- Sandfly
- Sandford
- Sandy Bay
- Seven Mile Beach
- Shelly Beach
- Simpsons Bay
- Snug
- Sorell
- Sorell Creek
- Sorrell
- South Arm
- South Hobart
- Southport
- Spring Beach
- Springfield
- Stewarts Bay
- Stonehenge
- Stonor
- Stormlea
- Strathblane
- Surges Bay
- Swansea
- Swanwick
- Taranna
- Taronga
- Taroona
- Tasmania East Coast
- Tea Tree
- Teatree
- Tiberias
- Tinderbox
- Tranmere
- Triabunna
- Tunbridge
- Tunnack
- Upper Woodstock
- Uxbridge
- Verona Sands
- Warrane
- Waterloo
- Wattle Grove
- Wattle Hill
- West Hobart
- Westerway
- White Beach
- Whitefoord
- Woodbridge
- Woodbury
- Woodsdale
- Woodstock
- Yarlington
- York Plains
Bicheno, just north of the Freycinet Peninsula on Tasmania's stunning east coast, is known for its laid-back lifestyle and outdoor activities. If a holiday relaxing by white, sandy beaches, dining on fresh seafood and playing leisurely games of golf sounds appealing, you'll love Bicheno. More than 700 people live in the town, and water's its lifeblood. Crayfish, abalone and Australian salmon are often brought ashore with the daily fishing catch. You can explore the coast at your own pace in a sea kayak, or pick up some local knowledge on a guided boat trip. Marine life and sea birds abound in Governors Island Marine Reserve and stay dry in a glass-bottomed boat or scuba dive amid sheer rock walls, deep fissures, caves, sponges and sea whips. Tasmania is considered one of the best temperate water dive sites in the world. There is plenty to do on dry land as well. Motor tricycle tours, a Grape Escape wine tour, and walks to Rocking Rock and the blowhole or along the sandbar to Diamond Island Nature Reserve are popular. Penguin tours are one of the town's most popular attractions, while the local wildlife park has a wide array of fauna, including kangaroos, Tasmanian devils and pelicans. Waterfalls tumble to tranquil lakes and river ravines in nearby Douglas&Apsley National Park, while to the south, in Freycinet National Park, you can take the famous walk to Wineglass Bay, one of the best beaches in the world. Formerly known as Waubs Boat Harbour, Bicheno was established as a whaling centre in 1803. The town was named after James Ebenezer Bicheno and expanded in 1854 with the discovery of coal in the Denison River. Bicheno has mild weather, with an average maximum of 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit) in January and 14.5 degrees Celsius (48 degrees Fahrenheit) in June. The town is 182 kilometres (113 miles) north east of Hobart via the Tasman Highway.
Great deals on hotels in Bicheno...
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Beachfront Bicheno - Bicheno ![]() ![]() From: A$240 More Info... |
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Great deals on tours in Bicheno...
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Penguin Tour - Bicheno From: A$58 More Info... |