Warwick Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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One of Perth's intensely-residential northern suburbs, Warwick lies between Wanneroo Road and the Mitchell Freeway about 15km from the CBD.

On Warwick's northern boundary is the extensive Yellagonga Regional Park where ancient lakes, wetlands and natural bushland feature. Within this 1500ha park you"ll discover Lake Joondalup, Lake Goollelal and the Walluburnup and Beenyup Swamps.

The extensive wetlands support a wide variety of wildlife species and provide summer refuge for migratory birds. Cycleways and walkways thread through the park, which also contains some important remnants of early European settlement, such as Perry"s Paddock, Cockman House and the old Luisini Winery.

Warwick Map

Warwick Map - Legend
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