Camperdown Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information

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Places nearby Camperdown


The inner Sydney suburbs of Camperdown and neighbouring Darlington are an intriguing area of contrast where stunning old churches, terraces and historic halls of learning and healing stand cheek-by-jowl with new apartment blocks and nests of town houses.

If you get the opportunity to tour the centrepiece of Sydney University, the Great Hall, don't pass it up. This is regarded as one of the masterpieces of Sydney architectural art, especially its windows.

The stained glass windows at the eastern and western ends represent the founders of Cambridge and Oxford, while the Royal Window - a gift from benefactor John Henry Challis - features the portraits of English kings and queens since the Norman Conquest.

Camperdown also gave birth to the boutique brewer, Hahn. Since the company was taken over by a multi-national, original brewer Dr Chuck Hahn has returned to the scene as the head honcho of the Malt Shovel Brewery which produces the James Squire line of ale, pilsener and porter.

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