Cervantes Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Cervantes
- Amery
- Ardath
- Arthur River
- Baandee
- Babakin
- Badgebup
- Badgerin Rock
- Badgin
- Badjaling
- Bakers Hill
- Balkuling
- Ballaying
- Ballidu
- Barberton
- Beaufort River
- Beenong
- Beermullah
- Bejoording
- Belka
- Belmunging
- Bencubbin
- Bendering
- Benjaberring
- Beverley
- Bibby Springs
- Bilbarin
- Billericay
- Bindi Bindi
- Bindoon
- Bodallin
- Bokal
- Bolgart
- Bonnie Rock
- Boodarockin
- Boolading
- Boscabel
- Boundain
- Brookton
- Bruce Rock
- Bullaring
- Bullfinch
- Bullock Hills
- Bulyee
- Bungulla
- Buniche
- Buntine
- Burakin
- Burracoppin
- Cadoux
- Calcarra
- Calingiri
- Campion
- Carani
- Caroling
- Cataby
- Cherry Tree Pool
- Chittering
- Clackline
- Cleary
- Coomberdale
- Coondle
- Corrigin
- Cowcowing
- Cuballing
- Culbin
- Culham
- Cunderdin
- Dalwallinu
- Damboring
- Dandaragan
- Dandaragan West
- Dangin
- Dardadine
- Darkan
- Dongolocking
- Doodlakine
- Dowerin
- Dudinin
- Dukin
- Dumbleyung
- Ejanding
- Emu Hill
- Erikin
- Gabalong
- Gabbin
- Gillingarra
- Gingin
- Gingin West
- Goomalling
- Goomarin
- Gorge Rock
- Grass Valley
- Green Hills
- Greenhills
- Guilderton
- Gwambygine
- Harrismith
- Highbury
- Hines Hill
- Holleton
- Holt Rock
- Hulongine
- Hyden
- Jacobs Well
- Jennacubbine
- Jibberding
- Jitarning
- Jurien
- Kalannie
- Karlgarin
- Karloning
- Kellerberrin
- Kodj Kodjin
- Kondinin
- Kondut
- Konnongorring
- Koojan
- Koolyanobbing
- Koorda
- Korbel
- Korbelka
- Korrelocking
- Kukerin
- Kulin
- Kulja
- Kulyaling
- Kununoppin
- Kuringup
- Kurrenkutten
- Kweda
- Kwelkan
- Kwobrup
- Kwolyin
- Lake Biddy
- Lake Brown
- Lake Camm
- Lake Grace
- Ledge Point
- Lime Lake
- Lyons Camp
- Malebelling
- Malyalling
- Mangowine
- Manmanning
- Marvel Loch
- Mawson
- Maya
- Meckering
- Meenaar
- Merredin
- Miling
- Minnivale
- Mogumber
- Mokine
- Mollerin
- Mooliabeenie
- Moora
- Moore River
- Moorine Rock
- Moulyinning
- Mount Caroline
- Mount Gibson
- Mount Jackson
- Mount Kokeby
- Mount Palmer
- Mount Stirling
- Mount Walker
- Mukinbudin
- Muntadgin
- Muresk
- Nairibin
- Nalkain
- Nalya
- Namban
- Nangeenan
- Narembeen
- Narrogin
- Nembudding
- New Norcia
- Newdegate
- Nokaning
- Nomans Lake
- Noongaar
- Northam
- Nukarni
- Nungarin
- Nyabing
- Ockley
- Pantapin
- Piawaning
- Piesseville
- Pingaring
- Pingelly
- Pingrup
- Pithara
- Popanyinning
- Quairading
- Quellington
- Red Gully
- Regans Ford
- Ringa
- Round Hill
- Seabird
- Shackleton
- South Kumminin
- Southern Brook
- Southern Cross
- Spencers Brook
- Studleigh
- Tammin
- Tarin Rock
- Tarwonga
- Tincurrin
- Toodyay
- Toolibin
- Tootra
- Totadgin
- Trayning
- Uberin
- Varley
- Wadderin
- Waddington
- Wagin
- Walebing
- Walgoolan
- Walyurin
- Wamenusking
- Wannamal
- Warralakin
- Watheroo
- Welbungin
- Westonia
- Wialki
- Wialkutting
- Wickepin
- Wilgoyne
- Williams
- Wongan Hills
- Woodanilling
- Woodridge
- Wubin
- Wyalkatchem
- Wyening
- Xantippe
- Yarding
- Yealering
- Yelbeni
- Yellowdine
- Yerecoin
- Yilliminning
- York
- Yorketown
- Yorkrakine
- Yornaning
- Yoting
- Youndegin
- Zzzzzz
Cervantes is approximately 256 kilometres or three hours drive north of Perth and 53 kilometres west of the Brand Highway. Established in 1962 using 505 hectares of land excised from the Nambung Reserve, the town site was created to serve the people engaged in the crayfishing industry. The town is named after the American whaling ship モCervantesヤ, a two masted barque, wrecked nearby on June 29th 1844. The introduction of scheme water, power and telephone in the mid-seventies attracted more businessmen, tradesmen and people seeking a quiet but comfortable retirement to the town. Cervantes features spectacular white, pristine beaches showcasing the beautiful turquoise ocean and visitors can enjoy many water activities including swimming, snorkelling, and diving, boating, fishing and exploring the off shore islands and reefs in the area. One kilometre south of Cervantes is Lake Thetis named after the sailing ship Thetis which surveyed the coast between 1847 and 1848. This tidal lake three metres deep and with double the salinity of the ocean has enabled Stromatolites to form over many, many years and these ancient living organisms are visible from the waters edge. Cervantes is the gateway to the world famous Pinnacles situated in the Nambung National Park, 17 kilometres south of the town. The visitor can view the Pinnacles by driving the 17 kilometre Pinnacles Drive through Nambung National Park or by booking a tour through the Visitor Centre. Drive the Pinnacles Loop for 3.5 kilometres to view these amazing natural structures that are formed from limestone created from ancient shells. They are particularly stunning in the glow of the setting sun or viewed at sunrise. Many native animals including birds and reptiles are more visible at these times. Be sure to visit Hangover Bay and Kangaroo Point both renowned spots for fishing either from a boat or off the beach. Hangover Bay in particular is an excellent spot for snorkelling and caters for the visitor with toilets, shelter, picnic tables and barbeques. The drive through Nambung National Park on the way to the Pinnacles allows visitors the fantastic opportunity to see kangaroos and emus in their natural environment, along with a diverse array of wildflowers, when in season. Cervantes has a lot to offer everyone. From a scenic walk along the track between the Thirsty Point Lookout and Hanson Bay Lookout, beach walking, fishing, swimming, relaxing over a lobster lunch, driving to one of the many attractions nearby, enjoying a game of golf or bowls or simply just unwinding and taking in the peaceful and relaxed nature of the town. Cervantes offers a wide range of accommodation choices including motel, backpackers, caravan park, holiday cottages and chalets. A full range of dining experiences from a la carte dining to takeaway and fast foods is available.
Cervantes Map