Ledge Point Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Ledge Point
- Amery
- Ardath
- Arthur River
- Baandee
- Babakin
- Badgebup
- Badgerin Rock
- Badgin
- Badjaling
- Bakers Hill
- Balkuling
- Ballaying
- Ballidu
- Barberton
- Beaufort River
- Beenong
- Beermullah
- Bejoording
- Belka
- Belmunging
- Bencubbin
- Bendering
- Benjaberring
- Beverley
- Bibby Springs
- Bilbarin
- Billericay
- Bindi Bindi
- Bindoon
- Bodallin
- Bokal
- Bolgart
- Bonnie Rock
- Boodarockin
- Boolading
- Boscabel
- Boundain
- Brookton
- Bruce Rock
- Bullaring
- Bullfinch
- Bullock Hills
- Bulyee
- Bungulla
- Buniche
- Buntine
- Burakin
- Burracoppin
- Cadoux
- Calcarra
- Calingiri
- Campion
- Carani
- Caroling
- Cataby
- Cervantes
- Cherry Tree Pool
- Chittering
- Clackline
- Cleary
- Coomberdale
- Coondle
- Corrigin
- Cowcowing
- Cuballing
- Culbin
- Culham
- Cunderdin
- Dalwallinu
- Damboring
- Dandaragan
- Dandaragan West
- Dangin
- Dardadine
- Darkan
- Dongolocking
- Doodlakine
- Dowerin
- Dudinin
- Dukin
- Dumbleyung
- Ejanding
- Emu Hill
- Erikin
- Gabalong
- Gabbin
- Gillingarra
- Gingin
- Gingin West
- Goomalling
- Goomarin
- Gorge Rock
- Grass Valley
- Green Hills
- Greenhills
- Guilderton
- Gwambygine
- Harrismith
- Highbury
- Hines Hill
- Holleton
- Holt Rock
- Hulongine
- Hyden
- Jacobs Well
- Jennacubbine
- Jibberding
- Jitarning
- Jurien
- Kalannie
- Karlgarin
- Karloning
- Kellerberrin
- Kodj Kodjin
- Kondinin
- Kondut
- Konnongorring
- Koojan
- Koolyanobbing
- Koorda
- Korbel
- Korbelka
- Korrelocking
- Kukerin
- Kulin
- Kulja
- Kulyaling
- Kununoppin
- Kuringup
- Kurrenkutten
- Kweda
- Kwelkan
- Kwobrup
- Kwolyin
- Lake Biddy
- Lake Brown
- Lake Camm
- Lake Grace
- Lime Lake
- Lyons Camp
- Malebelling
- Malyalling
- Mangowine
- Manmanning
- Marvel Loch
- Mawson
- Maya
- Meckering
- Meenaar
- Merredin
- Miling
- Minnivale
- Mogumber
- Mokine
- Mollerin
- Mooliabeenie
- Moora
- Moore River
- Moorine Rock
- Moulyinning
- Mount Caroline
- Mount Gibson
- Mount Jackson
- Mount Kokeby
- Mount Palmer
- Mount Stirling
- Mount Walker
- Mukinbudin
- Muntadgin
- Muresk
- Nairibin
- Nalkain
- Nalya
- Namban
- Nangeenan
- Narembeen
- Narrogin
- Nembudding
- New Norcia
- Newdegate
- Nokaning
- Nomans Lake
- Noongaar
- Northam
- Nukarni
- Nungarin
- Nyabing
- Ockley
- Pantapin
- Piawaning
- Piesseville
- Pingaring
- Pingelly
- Pingrup
- Pithara
- Popanyinning
- Quairading
- Quellington
- Red Gully
- Regans Ford
- Ringa
- Round Hill
- Seabird
- Shackleton
- South Kumminin
- Southern Brook
- Southern Cross
- Spencers Brook
- Studleigh
- Tammin
- Tarin Rock
- Tarwonga
- Tincurrin
- Toodyay
- Toolibin
- Tootra
- Totadgin
- Trayning
- Uberin
- Varley
- Wadderin
- Waddington
- Wagin
- Walebing
- Walgoolan
- Walyurin
- Wamenusking
- Wannamal
- Warralakin
- Watheroo
- Welbungin
- Westonia
- Wialki
- Wialkutting
- Wickepin
- Wilgoyne
- Williams
- Wongan Hills
- Woodanilling
- Woodridge
- Wubin
- Wyalkatchem
- Wyening
- Xantippe
- Yarding
- Yealering
- Yelbeni
- Yellowdine
- Yerecoin
- Yilliminning
- York
- Yorketown
- Yorkrakine
- Yornaning
- Yoting
- Youndegin
- Zzzzzz
Ledge Point
An hour and a half drive north (120 kilometres) along Wanneroo Road from Perth is the sleepy little fishing town of Ledge Point. The town is a small commercial rock lobster centre which boasts good fishing and beautiful beaches, just right for a relaxing holiday. This part of Western Australia's coast is recognised internationally as one of the great windsurfing venues. The Annual Windsurfing Classic kicks off from Ledge Point every January, taking advantage of the world-class windsurfing conditions. Divers are attracted to the wreck of the Dutch ship, Vergulde Draeck, which went down after striking a reef in 1656. The wreck was then discovered in 1863 by a group of Australian spear-fishers. A full expedition was mounted in 1972 to excavate the remains of the ship's cargo and fittings, but damage by looters had left little intact. The artefacts that remained in tact were recovered and are now displayed at the Maritime Museums in Geraldton and Fremantle. The larger town of Lancelin is only 15 minutes north and offers a wide range of leisure activities. Ledge Point has some sporting facilities and is currently developing a nine hole golf course and caravan park within the town centre.
Ledge Point Map