Pingelly Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Pingelly
- Amery
- Ardath
- Arthur River
- Baandee
- Babakin
- Badgebup
- Badgerin Rock
- Badgin
- Badjaling
- Bakers Hill
- Balkuling
- Ballaying
- Ballidu
- Barberton
- Beaufort River
- Beenong
- Beermullah
- Bejoording
- Belka
- Belmunging
- Bencubbin
- Bendering
- Benjaberring
- Beverley
- Bibby Springs
- Bilbarin
- Billericay
- Bindi Bindi
- Bindoon
- Bodallin
- Bokal
- Bolgart
- Bonnie Rock
- Boodarockin
- Boolading
- Boscabel
- Boundain
- Brookton
- Bruce Rock
- Bullaring
- Bullfinch
- Bullock Hills
- Bulyee
- Bungulla
- Buniche
- Buntine
- Burakin
- Burracoppin
- Cadoux
- Calcarra
- Calingiri
- Campion
- Carani
- Caroling
- Cataby
- Cervantes
- Cherry Tree Pool
- Chittering
- Clackline
- Cleary
- Coomberdale
- Coondle
- Corrigin
- Cowcowing
- Cuballing
- Culbin
- Culham
- Cunderdin
- Dalwallinu
- Damboring
- Dandaragan
- Dandaragan West
- Dangin
- Dardadine
- Darkan
- Dongolocking
- Doodlakine
- Dowerin
- Dudinin
- Dukin
- Dumbleyung
- Ejanding
- Emu Hill
- Erikin
- Gabalong
- Gabbin
- Gillingarra
- Gingin
- Gingin West
- Goomalling
- Goomarin
- Gorge Rock
- Grass Valley
- Green Hills
- Greenhills
- Guilderton
- Gwambygine
- Harrismith
- Highbury
- Hines Hill
- Holleton
- Holt Rock
- Hulongine
- Hyden
- Jacobs Well
- Jennacubbine
- Jibberding
- Jitarning
- Jurien
- Kalannie
- Karlgarin
- Karloning
- Kellerberrin
- Kodj Kodjin
- Kondinin
- Kondut
- Konnongorring
- Koojan
- Koolyanobbing
- Koorda
- Korbel
- Korbelka
- Korrelocking
- Kukerin
- Kulin
- Kulja
- Kulyaling
- Kununoppin
- Kuringup
- Kurrenkutten
- Kweda
- Kwelkan
- Kwobrup
- Kwolyin
- Lake Biddy
- Lake Brown
- Lake Camm
- Lake Grace
- Ledge Point
- Lime Lake
- Lyons Camp
- Malebelling
- Malyalling
- Mangowine
- Manmanning
- Marvel Loch
- Mawson
- Maya
- Meckering
- Meenaar
- Merredin
- Miling
- Minnivale
- Mogumber
- Mokine
- Mollerin
- Mooliabeenie
- Moora
- Moore River
- Moorine Rock
- Moulyinning
- Mount Caroline
- Mount Gibson
- Mount Jackson
- Mount Kokeby
- Mount Palmer
- Mount Stirling
- Mount Walker
- Mukinbudin
- Muntadgin
- Muresk
- Nairibin
- Nalkain
- Nalya
- Namban
- Nangeenan
- Narembeen
- Narrogin
- Nembudding
- New Norcia
- Newdegate
- Nokaning
- Nomans Lake
- Noongaar
- Northam
- Nukarni
- Nungarin
- Nyabing
- Ockley
- Pantapin
- Piawaning
- Piesseville
- Pingaring
- Pingrup
- Pithara
- Popanyinning
- Quairading
- Quellington
- Red Gully
- Regans Ford
- Ringa
- Round Hill
- Seabird
- Shackleton
- South Kumminin
- Southern Brook
- Southern Cross
- Spencers Brook
- Studleigh
- Tammin
- Tarin Rock
- Tarwonga
- Tincurrin
- Toodyay
- Toolibin
- Tootra
- Totadgin
- Trayning
- Uberin
- Varley
- Wadderin
- Waddington
- Wagin
- Walebing
- Walgoolan
- Walyurin
- Wamenusking
- Wannamal
- Warralakin
- Watheroo
- Welbungin
- Westonia
- Wialki
- Wialkutting
- Wickepin
- Wilgoyne
- Williams
- Wongan Hills
- Woodanilling
- Woodridge
- Wubin
- Wyalkatchem
- Wyening
- Xantippe
- Yarding
- Yealering
- Yelbeni
- Yellowdine
- Yerecoin
- Yilliminning
- York
- Yorketown
- Yorkrakine
- Yornaning
- Yoting
- Youndegin
- Zzzzzz
Pingelly is a farming town two hours drive southeast of Perth. This attractive town offers a rare insight into Western Australia's rich colonial heritage. The Mourambine Heritage Trail starts at St Patrick's Church which was built in 1871 and is still in use today. The trail takes you past many old dwellings that further illustrate the town's pioneering past. Experience the magnificence of the night sky and journey through the Milky Way Galaxy at Pingelly Heights Observatory. The clear nights in Pingelly with no pollution make it an ideal place to participate in some star-gazing. Winners of the Tourism Adventure Award in 2001, the Pingelly Heights Astronomical Observatory provides guided tours of space and the heavens. Located in the main street of Pingelly, Memorial Park includes picnic areas, a children's playground and beautiful gardens open to the public for recreational use. The Courthouse Museum was built in 1907 and was in use until 1977. It is now used to house memorabilia and photographs of yesteryear. Don't miss the weather rock which swings outside the museum. Just 15 minutes drive northwest of Pingelly, Boyagin Nature Reserve is well known for its seasonal wildflowers and natural bushland. Climb to the top of Boyagin Rock for sensational views of the area or follow the story of 'Wargyle' who travelled from Boyagin to Perth. Farm stay, caravan park, hotel and motel accommodation is available in Pingelly.
Pingelly Map