Elmore Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Elmore
- Appin
- Arcadia
- Ardmona
- Avenel
- Avonmore
- Baddaginnie
- Bailieston
- Bald Rock
- Ballendella
- Balmattum
- Bamawm
- Barep
- Barmah
- Barmah Town
- Barraport
- Barwo
- Bearii
- Benarch
- Boho South
- Boxwood
- Branditt
- Break Of Day
- Bunbartha
- Buxton
- Byrneside
- Calivil
- Canary Island
- Canary Island South
- Caniambo
- Carag Carag
- Cathkin
- Catumnal
- Caveat
- Cobram
- Cobram Barooga
- Cobram East
- Colbinabbin
- Colbinabbin West
- Colliver
- Congupna
- Cooma
- Corop
- Cosgrove
- Cosgrove South
- Creek Junction
- Creek View
- Creighton
- Creightons Creek
- Devenish
- Dhurringile
- Diggora West
- Dingee
- Dingwall
- Dookie
- Dookie College
- Dropmore
- Drumanure
- Drummartin
- Dunbulbalane
- Dunkirk
- Durham Ox
- Earlston
- Echuca
- Echuca South
- Echuca Village
- Eldorado
- Euroa
- Fairy Dell
- Fawcett
- Flowerdale
- Ghin Ghin
- Gillieston
- Girgarre
- Girgarre East
- Gladfield
- Glenaroua
- Gobur
- Goomalibee
- Gooram
- Goorambat
- Goulburn Weir
- Gowangardie
- Gredgwin
- Gunbower
- Harrys Creek
- Harston
- Hayanmi
- Hazeldene
- Hendersyde
- Highlands
- Homewood
- Horfield
- Hunter
- Invergordon
- Kamarooka
- Kanumbra
- Kanyapella
- Katandra
- Katandra West
- Katunga
- Keely
- Kelvin View
- Kerrisdale
- Kialla
- Kialla East
- Kialla Lakes
- Kialla West
- Killingworth
- Kithbrook
- Kobyboyn
- Koonda
- Koonoomoo
- Koriella
- Kotta
- Kotupna
- Koyuga
- Kyabram
- Lancaster
- Langville
- Leaghur
- Leitchville
- Lemnos
- Limestone
- Lockington
- Locksley
- Loddon Vale
- Longwood
- Macorna
- Major Plains
- Mangalore
- Marionvale
- Marraweeney
- Marungi
- Mathiesons
- Mayreef
- Meering West
- Merrigum
- Merton
- Miepoll
- Milloo
- Mincha
- Minmindie
- Minto
- Mitchellstown
- Mitiamo
- Moglonemby
- Molesworth
- Molka
- Mologa
- Monea
- Moorilim
- Mooroopna
- Mooroopna North West
- Muckatah
- Mundoona
- Murchison
- Murchison East
- Murchison North
- Murrindindi
- Nagambie
- Nalinga
- Nanneella
- Narioka
- Nathalia
- Nooramunga
- Northwood
- Numurkah
- Orrvale
- Patho
- Pederick
- Petersons
- Piavella
- Picola
- Pine Grove
- Pine Lodge South
- Prairie
- Puckapunyal
- Pyramid Hill
- Reedy Creek
- Riggs Creek
- Rochester
- Roslynmead
- Rubicon
- Ruffy
- Runnymede
- Rushworth
- Sandmount
- Seymour
- Seymour South
- Sheans Creek
- Shepparton
- Shepparton East
- Shepparton North
- Shepparton South
- Simmie
- Snobs Creek
- St Germains
- St James
- Stanhope
- Stewarton
- Strath Creek
- Strathallan
- Strathbogie
- Strathmerton
- Sugarloaf Creek
- Sylvaterre
- Tabilk
- Taggerty
- Tallarook
- Tallygaroopna
- Tamleugh
- Tamleugh West
- Tandarra
- Tarcombe
- Taripta
- Tarnook
- Tatura
- Tennyson
- Terip Terip
- Terrick Terrick
- Thornton
- Timmering
- Tongala
- Toolamba
- Torrumbarry
- Tragowel
- Trawool
- Tungamah
- Tyaak
- Undera
- Upotipotpon
- Violet Town
- Waaia
- Waggarandall
- Wahring
- Wanalta
- Wanurp
- Warragamba
- Wattle Vale
- Wattville
- Wee Wee Rup
- Wharparilla
- Whiteheads Creek
- Whroo
- Willowdene
- Wirrate
- Woodbourne
- Wunghnu
- Wyuna
- Yabba North
- Yalca
- Yalca North
- Yallook
- Yambuna
- Yando
- Yarck
- Yarrawalla
- Yarrawonga
- Yarroweyah
- Yielima
- Youanmite
- Youarang
- Yundool
- Zeerust
Mention field days to any Victorian bushie and he immediately thinks of Elmore.
Set exactly halfway between Bendigo and Echuca at the point where the Midland Highway becomes the Northern Highway, Elmore might be small, but come October more than 60,000 visitors flood the town for the annual Field Day which is Victoria's oldest and largest agricultural expo.
For the rest of the year, Elmore is a pleasant, sports-conscious village where you can catch up with the past and present at the Campaspe Run Rural Discovery Centre.
Anglers have the choice of dangling a line in the Campaspe River, in the Waranga-Malee irrigation channels which fan out from the Campaspe Siphon, taking the half hour drive north to the Murray or trying their luck in several regional lakes including Thunderbird and Corop.
Bendigo is but a pleasant drive to the south-west and a short detour will take the visitor to the Whipstick State Park.
Elmore Map