Merrigum Accommodation, Hotels, Tours & Information
Places nearby Merrigum
- Appin
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- Bald Rock
- Ballendella
- Balmattum
- Bamawm
- Barep
- Barmah
- Barmah Town
- Barraport
- Barwo
- Bearii
- Benarch
- Boho South
- Boxwood
- Branditt
- Break Of Day
- Bunbartha
- Buxton
- Byrneside
- Calivil
- Canary Island
- Canary Island South
- Caniambo
- Carag Carag
- Cathkin
- Catumnal
- Caveat
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- Cobram Barooga
- Cobram East
- Colbinabbin
- Colbinabbin West
- Colliver
- Congupna
- Cooma
- Corop
- Cosgrove
- Cosgrove South
- Creek Junction
- Creek View
- Creighton
- Creightons Creek
- Devenish
- Dhurringile
- Diggora West
- Dingee
- Dingwall
- Dookie
- Dookie College
- Dropmore
- Drumanure
- Drummartin
- Dunbulbalane
- Dunkirk
- Durham Ox
- Earlston
- Echuca
- Echuca South
- Echuca Village
- Eldorado
- Elmore
- Euroa
- Fairy Dell
- Fawcett
- Flowerdale
- Ghin Ghin
- Gillieston
- Girgarre
- Girgarre East
- Gladfield
- Glenaroua
- Gobur
- Goomalibee
- Gooram
- Goorambat
- Goulburn Weir
- Gowangardie
- Gredgwin
- Gunbower
- Harrys Creek
- Harston
- Hayanmi
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- Horfield
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- Katunga
- Keely
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- Kotta
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- Kyabram
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- Mathiesons
- Mayreef
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- Miepoll
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- Mincha
- Minmindie
- Minto
- Mitchellstown
- Mitiamo
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- Molesworth
- Molka
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- Monea
- Moorilim
- Mooroopna
- Mooroopna North West
- Muckatah
- Mundoona
- Murchison
- Murchison East
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- Murrindindi
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- Nanneella
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- Numurkah
- Orrvale
- Patho
- Pederick
- Petersons
- Piavella
- Picola
- Pine Grove
- Pine Lodge South
- Prairie
- Puckapunyal
- Pyramid Hill
- Reedy Creek
- Riggs Creek
- Rochester
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- Rubicon
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- Seymour
- Seymour South
- Sheans Creek
- Shepparton
- Shepparton East
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- Shepparton South
- Simmie
- Snobs Creek
- St Germains
- St James
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- Stewarton
- Strath Creek
- Strathallan
- Strathbogie
- Strathmerton
- Sugarloaf Creek
- Sylvaterre
- Tabilk
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- Tallygaroopna
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- Taripta
- Tarnook
- Tatura
- Tennyson
- Terip Terip
- Terrick Terrick
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- Tongala
- Toolamba
- Torrumbarry
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- Trawool
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- Tyaak
- Undera
- Upotipotpon
- Violet Town
- Waaia
- Waggarandall
- Wahring
- Wanalta
- Wanurp
- Warragamba
- Wattle Vale
- Wattville
- Wee Wee Rup
- Wharparilla
- Whiteheads Creek
- Whroo
- Willowdene
- Wirrate
- Woodbourne
- Wunghnu
- Wyuna
- Yabba North
- Yalca
- Yalca North
- Yallook
- Yambuna
- Yando
- Yarck
- Yarrawalla
- Yarrawonga
- Yarroweyah
- Yielima
- Youanmite
- Youarang
- Yundool
- Zeerust
Merrigum is a small Goulburn Valley town just a few kilometres to the west of Shepparton and its satellite, Mooroopna. The valley is known as Australia's fruit bowl and in spring is a sea of colour as millions of trees burst into blossom. Much of the fruit of the subsequent harvest ends up at the nation's largest deciduous fruit canning and exporting plant, which operates out of Shepparton. Art and nature fanciers are also rewarded in the valley. The Shepparton Art Gallery's ceramic collection is one of the best in Australia, while the Estrada Museum features displays on military and maritime history, natural history and, unusually, meteorites. The Reedy Swamp Wildlife Reserve's 7.5km trail takes walkers through stands of yellow box, grey box, red river gums, bird sanctuaries and waterholes where Murray cod lurk. A 15-minute drive north-west takes you to neighbouring Kyabram and the town's award winning Fauna Park. Country Victoria's most outstanding wildlife park, it invites visitors to share the relaxed, natural setting with more than 100 species of native animals including waterfowl, parrots, koalas, Tasmanian devils, kangaroos and a variety of reptiles.
Merrigum Map